i delivered sandwiches for jimmy johns and delivered hotwings for wingzone. I was on a delivery when that fucker backed into/over my car. haven't driven it 5 times since cuz my headgasket decided to blow right after
Delivery work sucks mate. its hard as fuck on your car (go ahead and buy some new brake pads, you gonna need 'em before too long), plus you gotta pay your own gas.
oh, and i have you beat honestabe: last spring i worked 32 hours a week....by generally working only on weekends. friday: 2p-10p, saturday: 6am-10pm, sunday, 6a-2p. 14 credit hours. i occassionally cut the friday shift for a different one during the week. i liked weekends because the boss was usually out of town (the rich bastard)
this semester i got 17 credit hours, and whenever i'm running the stable (like, all the time since the owner is down in Florida for shows 95% time these months) i work ~5 hours day, 7 days week for shit pay (although i get free board for my horse, so that helps a good deal on the shit pay)