Supraboy89 said:
the reason it is cutting out is because when you let off and hit the gas a sudden rush of air goes through the AFM causing it to hit fuel cut. i extended my air filter about 8inches away from my AFM to keep it from cutting out. i relocated it behind the headlight.
That is not even close to being correct :3d_frown:
You've demonstrated again you have NFI what you're talking about.
newbsupra said:
Drove the car, and it seemed to run alot better.. I get back, and check my codes again.. Now Im getting a code 11.
Code 11??? Are you sure? I don't see a code 11 in the TRSM.

Or are you getting a fast, constant interval blink?
Suggest you check your base timing...there is a specific way to do that in the TRSM.
Are you running the stock injectors?
Are you running the stock fuel pump?
Are you running an adjustable fuel pressure regulator or the stock FPR?
Do you have a wideband O2?