iHartSupra;1136937 said:
Worked at an airport (Flying Cloud Airport, Eden Prairie MN) as a lineman. Was the first to respond to a crash...ended up pulling both pilot and co from the aircraft (Piper Archer iirc) only moments before fire spread from tire to wings...100LL burns like a mofo.
I was a lineman at Tuscaloosa Regional Airport (Tuscaloosa, AL) for a little while. The secretary would get bad migraines every now and then, and me and the mechanics knew to GTFO of the FBO and hide in the hangar when she was having a bad day. One day, me and a mechanic are standing around in the FBO when a pilot comes walking in. This pilot loved to mess with the secretary (*not mess with as in hitting on her or anything, just do little stuff that would on some days mildly irritate her and entertain us, and on other days piss her off).
She looks at him and says, "Don't mess with me today. It's a BAD day." (she sounded scary when she said it too).
She turns around in her chair to grab something off the fax machine, he reaches over the desk and moves a folder around or something (something small), when she turns around and sees him. There was fire in her eyes as she pretty much screamed "You SONOFABITCH!!" through the FBO. I walked out the door onto the apron, and the mechanic took the front hallway into the hangar and we both met on the far side of the hangar to laugh and hide from her.
The airport fire marshal told me this story: a coworker of mine (as in, MY coworker, not the marshal's) topped off one of the FBO's C-172's, and parked the fuel truck in its place on the apron. He goes inside for 5 minutes, walks outside, and sees the truck on fire (the avgas truck is parked next to the jet truck, by the way). He calls the fire marshall on his cell phone, "The fuel truck's on FIRE!!!"
*fire marshall replies* "Holy shit, I'm on the way. You got a fire bottle?"
*lineman replies* "hell no I'm getting the fuck outta here"
Actually, he WAS outta there. He was hauling ass driving away while he called the fire marshal.