My car should have been done a long while ago but life never seems to make room for those kind of things. It's an 89' Turbo 7M-GTE. My problem right now is the crankshaft pulley bolt. I have a screw driver holding the fly wheel in place (what the Haynes manual said) and I have broken so far two no name ratchets and a 200 dollar Matco ratchet easily on this bolt :cry:. Ive even busted out the huge breaker bar, but this bolt goes no where. I even went as far as jumping on the ratchet and I for sure weigh over 200lbs.... I was told it is not reverse threaded so I know I'm turning it the right way. After putting the motor back together and starting it up I noticed oil was leaking from behind the pulley, I'm guessing I need to replace the gasket behind there. Any one have a tip or some help? Thanks.