hey guys can any one that has replaced the timing belt or anything else that has required the timing to be reset tell me if this is on the dot or do i need to play with it more?
if you look, the left cam gear is a hair to the right of the mark on the cover and the right one is actually spot on. The left gear tooth with the timing mark hits the right half of the timing mark on the back cover to be specific. like a 50/50 line up
it looks to me as though i can not move it forward or back a notch as it will defiantly be out of timing. is this good or what?
my hemi goes +/- 13 degrees with one notch, dont think the 7m is this drastic but dont feel like doing this twice!
yes im anal or a perfectionist about this stuff, i dont think there is any other way to be when messing with the sup
if you look, the left cam gear is a hair to the right of the mark on the cover and the right one is actually spot on. The left gear tooth with the timing mark hits the right half of the timing mark on the back cover to be specific. like a 50/50 line up
it looks to me as though i can not move it forward or back a notch as it will defiantly be out of timing. is this good or what?
my hemi goes +/- 13 degrees with one notch, dont think the 7m is this drastic but dont feel like doing this twice!
yes im anal or a perfectionist about this stuff, i dont think there is any other way to be when messing with the sup