Cops are assholes, period!


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Like I said, if you have nothing to hide and some time to waste, refuse to let them search without either a warrent or probable cause. I would love to have balls enough to let a cop have a go at finding something in my car. My luck though they would find something from the previous owner or they would plant it, lol.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
blackkarma said:

im a cop myself and let me reassure u not all cops are asshole....u have the ones that are all about the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law...and being most likely boot cop as u said...the secondary cop was prob his mentor and you just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time...and got cought up as guinea pig for some on the job training

but trust me i know exactly how it feels

Matt, I was going to say exactly what blackkarma said. Pay the fines, be done with it and get your car registered. I know it stinks, it's happened to me before and I felt just like you.

I work for DFW Airport DPS and you would be surprised what kind of arrests are made from simple traffic stops like yours, people wanted for murder, child molesting, domestic violence, known terrorists, I could go on.

*Note-people always hate cops until they need one. :icon_conf


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
I asked a cop once if he wanted to search my car... I was at homecoming in high school, got in a fight with the gf at the time... she stayed inside, I went to sleep in my car, heard a car squealing its tires, pulled my head up from the reclined chair, as I did a cop turned the corner with his search light, not thinking I layed back down, he pulled up next to me, started being a real hard ass and all, asking why i was doing drugs, blah blah blah, i said hey man, if you want to search my car, go for it, you won't find anything, hell you might even help me clean it out. Then he was like no, I don't want to, then I was like alright, then stop accusing me of stupid shit, i was sleeping, heard a noise, looked up and then you turned... it was funny, I laughed.