I've been running the most janky memory configuration for about 6 months now and I've had enough. 1 x 512mb PC2700 and 1 x 256 PC2100 DDR'd. The memory sticks are about the same age but aren't playing together nicely. I had to loosen the memory timings for the system to be stable - SPD timing of CAS Latency @ 133MHz for both sticks is 2 clocks, but I'm at 2.5.
I'm running Windoze XP on an overclocked Athlon XP Thoroughbred 2200+ at 2600+ and I'm stable, all current drivers. I get lockups though when encoding to Xvid (anything 2-pass or longer than 3 hours and it'll lock) and I've recently noticed stuttering from Winamp's playback when scrolling through albums in Picasa. I'm not a gamer and I don't need the fastest/best PC, but if possible I'd like to smooth things out a little bit without upgrading my cpu/motherboard.
Does it make sense to buy a matched pair of PC3200 DDR memory? I figure it's going to be $150 to $200 for between 1GB & 2GB of anything worthy, and it's memory that I can't carry over to a new board if I do upgrade.
Any ideas? I've been using Newegg pretty much exclusively for my pricing; I've always been satisfied with them. What are you all running and what do you suggest? As always, thanks! :icon_bigg
I'm running Windoze XP on an overclocked Athlon XP Thoroughbred 2200+ at 2600+ and I'm stable, all current drivers. I get lockups though when encoding to Xvid (anything 2-pass or longer than 3 hours and it'll lock) and I've recently noticed stuttering from Winamp's playback when scrolling through albums in Picasa. I'm not a gamer and I don't need the fastest/best PC, but if possible I'd like to smooth things out a little bit without upgrading my cpu/motherboard.
Does it make sense to buy a matched pair of PC3200 DDR memory? I figure it's going to be $150 to $200 for between 1GB & 2GB of anything worthy, and it's memory that I can't carry over to a new board if I do upgrade.
Any ideas? I've been using Newegg pretty much exclusively for my pricing; I've always been satisfied with them. What are you all running and what do you suggest? As always, thanks! :icon_bigg