I was test driving my car a few days ago after having the transmission oil changed. As I picked up speed into 3rd gear I heard a pop from under the hood. I knew that can never be good so I started to turn around in a neighborhood. I was able to do a full 3 point turn then she died, all power cut out not even the lights that would normally fold down without even the key being in would fold. I replaced the am1 and 2 fuses as well as the main relay, and checked the link fuse that is good.
Only one time so far have I been able to get in and turn the ignition switch on the dash lights lit up and she beeped at me, but as soon as I try to crank her it all cuts out again. :aigo:
Only one time so far have I been able to get in and turn the ignition switch on the dash lights lit up and she beeped at me, but as soon as I try to crank her it all cuts out again. :aigo: