Complete power failure ! 89 Supra


New Member
Jan 25, 2012
Columbus, Indiana
I was test driving my car a few days ago after having the transmission oil changed. As I picked up speed into 3rd gear I heard a pop from under the hood. I knew that can never be good so I started to turn around in a neighborhood. I was able to do a full 3 point turn then she died, all power cut out not even the lights that would normally fold down without even the key being in would fold. I replaced the am1 and 2 fuses as well as the main relay, and checked the link fuse that is good.
Only one time so far have I been able to get in and turn the ignition switch on the dash lights lit up and she beeped at me, but as soon as I try to crank her it all cuts out again. :aigo:


New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Chesterfield, MO
Check all your connections. I have had this problem with a loose battery connection. Lights would come on but as soon as you try to start it doesn't do anything. Check grounds, battery, and alternator connections. I would bet dollars to donuts something came loose.


New Member
Jan 25, 2012
Columbus, Indiana
Well it is stock everything except the fuel pump. I just had the battery checked and it is fine. I just tried it and everything came on then I tried to turn it over and got 4 or 5 quick clicks then all went dark again.


Aug 25, 2010
Arkansas, United States
Check your Battery ground terminal connector.
This happened to me. The Supra wouldn't start. The terminal connector looked completely normal from above..
But when i took it off the underside of the terminal connector where two bolts go was melted bad? WTF.. It's happened twice when i didn't have the Battery tied down.
Ordered one from Driftmotion & now it hasn't happened again.

Also check the connection to the fuse box. Once it broke & i was on my way to work on the free way... put it on neutral in the circular exit it died... & that's when i truly appreciated the E-Brake & Power steering.
With no power the brake pedal became extremely tough & BARELY worked..


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I have this happen all the time with my car that doesn't drive. I have a parasitic drain, so I always disconnect the negative when not running the car. If I go out to work on the car, I hook it back up, but don't tighten it down properly. It will make a good enough connection to power everything. But, if I turn the key it kills everything. I jump out, and turn the fairly tight connector til I hear the bells and whistles, and try again. Same thing happens. It's irritating when I don't really want to drive the car, and don't want to go fetch my allen wrenches and my 14. I need to put stock cables back on.