took my car out today got code 71 took 100 miles to set. The PO had removed the egr system and i cannot afford to put one back on at this time.
The code is for egr gas temp. is there anyway around this code without having to install the entire system? Does it have to be egr gas temp, or can i run a different set up such as relocating the gas temp sensor, and hooking up to the original connector?
I didnt notice any drivabilty issues but that does not mean it cant create them. soon as the code set i stayed out of boost not wanting to create any damage if possible.
thanks for any advice
The code is for egr gas temp. is there anyway around this code without having to install the entire system? Does it have to be egr gas temp, or can i run a different set up such as relocating the gas temp sensor, and hooking up to the original connector?
I didnt notice any drivabilty issues but that does not mean it cant create them. soon as the code set i stayed out of boost not wanting to create any damage if possible.
thanks for any advice