Weather has been absolutely outstanding lately. I have done some more tweaking and tuning. 3 Inch intercooler piping is on the way so i can finally install the new Intercooler.
I have purchased a new welder so metalworking projects will be easier to complete and with higher quality.
Ive been meaning to install my temp senders in before and after both oil and transmission coolers. I have been looking around for an inline fitting that i could mount a temperature sender in with not so much luck.
I went out and figured i could put something together and came up with this.
That is a 1/2 inch NPT Tee fitting that will go in the oil cooler circuit. As you can see the sender is neatly tucked out of the way as to not obstruct flow. Barbs will be put on either side to make the install easy. Ill be making another with a 3/8's Tee fitting and only the bushing that the sender is screwed into.
I also had an issue where when i was driving my car around for an extended period of time the mixture would begin to lean out. I looked threw the EMS for compensations i may have missed and everything is zeroed out. I could only attribute the issue to the longer driving period.
I wondered if the fuel was being heated to an unacceptable level. I felt the tank and it was warm, hard to tell because it was very warm out. I reached under and felt the fuel filter finding that it was hot to the touch.
I tested my theory by driving until the problem showed up again, and putting 10 gallons of fuel in the tank at a gas station. The cold fuel pumped from the underground tank almost immediately solved the issue.
After conferring with Ian (IJ.) i decided to reinstall the charcoal canister and stock gas cap as with the vented cap the heated fuel vents rather then creating pressure in the tank and results in a lean condition. I have not driven the car for as extended of a period of time but the mixture seems to have been richened up since the re-installation of the canister. I think when i do the fuel system i will install a cooler on the return to help with this issue in the future as safe measure.
Hopefully teh intercooler will be installed by the end of the week. :icon_bigg