What do you guys think?? How long would you say the gasket has been leaking? Could this have been done from one time overheating/beating on it?

mkIIIman089;1554173 said:Theres this trick little part you can use to get it out called a "drain plug", when you remove it, the coolant comes out!
I watched the progression of a BHG on someone elses car for 2-3 years, overheated pretty much every day for at least a year, low coolant, the whole 9. Looked pretty similar.
IJ.;1554196 said:Why are you all arguing?
It's fucked help the guy fix it correctly and don't let him half ass the repair and all will be well.
mkIIIman089;1554201 said:To be fair, he looks to be pretty far along, and didn't ask for any help.
mkIIIman089;1554210 said:*shrug* Eventually they'll learn they shouldn't be trying...