I got a set of Acura Integra GSR seats from a 96, as advertised by the seller. They are black with gray/white patterns on the center section of the seat. They are smaller than Supra seats, so they're easier to make fit, but they do make a decent gap between the center console and the seat. Might get a bit better with further modification, but what I'll show you is the simplest stuff to get them in the car. Everyone's taste in seat positioning is different, and it's far from perfect for me. I'm going to try to get it better, though.
You guys are funny, welcome to life with a 3 month old. Some might do it better, but I'm not so good at it yet. Heck, I haven't even reopened my FS thread because I cant guarantee timely shipping and messages. Little non-time sensitive stuff like this is easier to manage. WHOO!