chat history on icq... don't screw with suprra_girl LOL


7M POWAH! ;)
Mar 30, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
i cannot believe this guy haahaa i had to post it.... i could've gone on but this will do lol
this guy reckons he's from egypt but i know he is from my home country and country... look at the times... duh LOL

loody (01:30 AM) :
di u race?
suprra_girl (01:30 AM) :
yep i did race heaps
suprra_girl (01:30 AM) :
but the engine needed a rebuild
suprra_girl (01:30 AM) :
blew its head gasket and crank walk so doing it now
loody (01:31 AM) :
u know i am mechanical engineer
suprra_girl (01:32 AM) :
do you know what caused my crankwalk?
suprra_girl (01:32 AM) :
i haven't investigated yet
suprra_girl (01:33 AM) :
its ok... i guess you don't know
loody (01:33 AM) :
wt mean by walk u mean move from its place
suprra_girl (01:34 AM) :
yes don't you know the term crankwalk?
suprra_girl (01:34 AM) :
strange coz it's a very familar term in the mechanical industry
loody (01:35 AM) :
no i am specialist in pumps
suprra_girl (01:35 AM) :
trans pumps, water pumps, steering pumps or fuel pumps
loody (01:36 AM) :
water and chemical
loody (01:36 AM) :
also reciprocating
suprra_girl (01:36 AM) :
so you aren't a car mechanic engineer?
loody (01:37 AM) :
loody (01:39 AM) :
are u living alone?
suprra_girl (01:40 AM) :
why would you want to know if i live alone??
suprra_girl (01:40 AM) :
i live with my bf
loody (01:40 AM) :
why u r agressive
suprra_girl (01:41 AM) :
because ppl don't ask if i live alone
suprra_girl (01:41 AM) :
that's what stalkers and ppl that haven't got a right mind do
loody (01:41 AM) :
suprra_girl (01:44 AM) :
your welcome
loody (01:45 AM) :
but also i think that it is not good to live with bf
suprra_girl (01:46 AM) :
why LOL
loody (01:46 AM) :
do u have sex?
suprra_girl (01:47 AM) :
what the hell do you want to know that for
loody (01:47 AM) :
cause i want to tell u that this relation must be with man and wife
suprra_girl (01:48 AM) :
and what else would it be with
suprra_girl (01:48 AM) :
a cow
loody (01:49 AM) :
may be we have different mind
loody (01:49 AM) :
but at least let us respect ourselves
suprra_girl (01:49 AM) :
and what relation do you have?
loody (01:50 AM) :
suprra_girl (01:51 AM) :
i can send you mine
suprra_girl (01:51 AM) :
have u got a pic?
loody (01:52 AM) :
not on this comp
loody (01:52 AM) :
do u?
suprra_girl (01:53 AM) :
i'll see if i can find one
suprra_girl (01:53 AM) :
but you have to send me one first
loody (01:53 AM) :
i really havent now
loody (01:54 AM) :
u can describe ur self
suprra_girl (01:54 AM) :
no i can't
loody (01:55 AM) :
loody (01:55 AM) :
it is ok if u dnt want
suprra_girl (01:55 AM) :
my family doesn't believe in mirrors
loody (01:57 AM) :
ok let us imagine wt each other do and wear now
suprra_girl (01:58 AM) :
what part do you want me to describe first
loody (01:58 AM) :
suprra_girl (01:59 AM) :
but i don't know what it looks like
loody (01:59 AM) :
ok body?
loody (01:59 AM) :
u dnt have to look on mirror
suprra_girl (02:00 AM) :
how do i describe it?
loody (02:01 AM) :
fat , thin , tall, short, big ,small curves
suprra_girl (02:01 AM) :
k well i think i'm short and big
suprra_girl (02:01 AM) :
my family is the same size as well so i guess i'm the same
loody (02:02 AM) :
u mean big breasts
suprra_girl (02:02 AM) :
no my tummy and legs
suprra_girl (02:02 AM) :
i guess my chest too
suprra_girl (02:02 AM) :
i think i weighed myself a while ago
suprra_girl (02:03 AM) :
and i was 18stone
loody (02:03 AM) :
wt in kgm
suprra_girl (02:03 AM) :
ummm i'll go check
suprra_girl (02:04 AM) :
loody (02:04 AM) :
waw u need diet
suprra_girl (02:04 AM) :
what does that mean
loody (02:04 AM) :
to controll ur eating
suprra_girl (02:06 AM) :
do i eat too much?
suprra_girl (02:06 AM) :
i only eat 10 times a day
suprra_girl (02:06 AM) :
but kinda normal size


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
Sounds like most of the creeps that used to IM me... that was when I decided to take my picture off my profile and only went online under "invisible mode" (this was on yahoo) so that I could pick who I wanted to talk to. Crazy sickos.

But I don't get what the time has to do with anything, other then it was late...

And I love this line...

my family doesn't believe in mirrors

I so want to say that to someone one day.



meggs.... you got any pics?

haha.. jk.. long time no talky!

hows the other board-o-postwhoring been?

any duct tape inventions recently?


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
some people are really sick....
I would love to see his face after you told him you were 115kg :yelrotflm

now what's your ICQ # ? j/k :D


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
hahaha i cant stand random IMs, the one that makes me mad is ASL. took me like month to figure out what it stands for.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Gah, I hate that crap. It's just as bad when you're a guy, you get IM'd by these freaks pretending to be girls who just want to lure you to some pop-up based spam site.

The time on ICQ isn't a good indicator - everything is timestamped to your location, no matter where the sender is.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
lanky189 said:
meggs.... you got any pics?

haha.. jk.. long time no talky!

hows the other board-o-postwhoring been?

any duct tape inventions recently?

:icon_eek: I would never be a member of a post whoring board... I am the ultimate non-post whore. :icon_wink

And... I've just made a few purses with the tape. Making two more for my sister and her friend this weekend.

GrimJack said:
It's just as bad when you're a guy, you get IM'd by these freaks pretending to be girls who just want to lure you to some pop-up based spam site.

Never heard of that. But my bf has posed as a girl and talked to some of the sickos that IM me and then they arrange to meet somewhere. I've never gone with him, but I think it would be halarious to be waiting for a girl to meet you somewhere and have a guy show up. lol



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
meggs521 said:
But my bf has posed as a girl and talked to some of the sickos that IM me and then they arrange to meet somewhere. I've never gone with him, but I think it would be halarious to be waiting for a girl to meet you somewhere and have a guy show up. lol

thats excellent!



The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
meggs521 said:
Never heard of that. But my bf has posed as a girl and talked to some of the sickos that IM me and then they arrange to meet somewhere. I've never gone with him, but I think it would be halarious to be waiting for a girl to meet you somewhere and have a guy show up. lol


Someone should do that and show up with a video camera, that would be hilarious to see :biggrinbo


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
meg, you kinda forgot the whole "waiting to meet them to whup their ass part." You kinda need to include what it was I was meeting them for. Elsewise it's gaysex.


7M POWAH! ;)
Mar 30, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand

yea that dood was hiliarious, the other funny thing is that he doesn't remember talking to me a few weeks ago (short memory) and he told me he was a drag racer and has a gsr with an evo 0 engine and he's put 25k into it so far and he's a student :lol:

most of the others that im me are alrite hehe... i met a really interesting person from germany the other week, supra owner, telling me bout their laws and what not

so sometimes you get the crazies, other times you get normal ppl, which are probably crazy just acting normal LOL


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
outofstep said:
meg, you kinda forgot the whole "waiting to meet them to whup their ass part." You kinda need to include what it was I was meeting them for. Elsewise it's gaysex.

You are gaysex.

And I didn't know the whole intent was to "whup their ass"... geez, you're a mean boy.

And suprra_girl, I've jad people talk to me and then IM me again later not knowing they talked to me the day before.

On a side note, as I was typing just now, I examined the "weak" smilie a bit closer... this whole time I've thought those were bowling pins next to his head. I'm such a loser.


New Member
May 14, 2005
haha oh god i gotta tell you guys about this weirdo chick:

K i'm on which is a huge huge nissan site with people all over the western coast.

Awhile ago someone started this thread, typical intro thread, but they also asked a question about 240's and provided they're AMBIGUOUS email for msn.

So i added this person and it turns out shes a girl and my friend thought she was hot and gave her my house number, cell number, everything. she even knows where i live.

she won't stop calling... like at least 4-5 times a day from different numbers :| its really creepy. I've had 2 of my friends call her to tell her they're my gf etc and its not doing shit.

I don't have the heart to tell her off either.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Poatree said:
haha oh god i gotta tell you guys about this weirdo chick:

K i'm on which is a huge huge nissan site with people all over the western coast.

Awhile ago someone started this thread, typical intro thread, but they also asked a question about 240's and provided they're AMBIGUOUS email for msn.

So i added this person and it turns out shes a girl and my friend thought she was hot and gave her my house number, cell number, everything. she even knows where i live.

she won't stop calling... like at least 4-5 times a day from different numbers :| its really creepy. I've had 2 of my friends call her to tell her they're my gf etc and its not doing shit.

I don't have the heart to tell her off either.

well is she hot?:rofl:


i'll tell that bitch off...

get me drunk and ill call just about anybody... which isn't necessarily good.

some poor McDonalds woman has an obscene message waiting her voicemail...