I have a "biological sperm donor", not a "father". He and my mother never married, and after the 1st 3 years of my life he stopped "supporting" me. My mother has married 3 times since then, all of them being douchebags. Then my mother turned on me when I was 18, taking a credit card out in my name and running my credit into the ground. She, of course, denied it. But I had evidence from the CC company that it -was- her. Then, when my husband cheated on me and kicked me out last year, I was staying with her and she had the nerve to flip out and kick me out of the house over a $7 phone bill. Shouldn't be surprising as she also kicked me out of a previous residence when I was 8 months pregnant (for sitting on her 86 Olds Regency crapmobile)... kicked us out with no money, nowhere to go at 11pm at night.
We haven't spoken in almost a year. I find it better this way, no more BS critism from a hypocrit and a theif. I finally had it with her crap and would rather consider myself an orphan than deal with her psychotic episodes.