Can anybody top this?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
b005t3d said:
dudwe, if your going to see josh, you better stop by here and have a glass of milo's with me.

Will do Boosted. I will let you know when, when we get closer to the


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
suprahero said:
Josh, I hope you are ready for company Sept. 22, or 23. My wife and I want to stop by and say

I wish I lived closer because I would love to stop by and meet him.

Josh- you're constantly in my prayers, and I think you've got to be one of the (if not the) most amazing person I've ever "met".


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Im sorry guys for not posting in so long, but I had that spinal tap and bone marrow and the pain in my back came back. So I havent done much but eat and sleep. But I feel alot better and think this weekend will be a good one, I seem to be recovering quickly so I cant complain. I get a week to recover and then I start the second stage of chemo. I am excited to get this weekend to myself, and get to do alot of the things Ive been putting off. My biggest problem is deciding what to do with my free weekend!

Jay: Ill be expecting you!

Boosted: Ill be up there asap, to meet you and Allan.
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naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Hey Josh, glad you're feeling better. I will definately get in touch with you before we head your way. Can't wait to meet the one and only, the legend, the man behind the red supra avitar...................JOSH!!!!!!! That was my best Michael Buffer

I hope this weekends marrow drive goes well. Vonda and I will get tested if you need us too, when we come up and see you. I hope you find a donor through this

Boosted, I will get in touch with you

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005

I am in awe of your amazing courage young man! You are blessed with the strength of Jobe, and my prayers are also with you. No one of us knows why God has placed this enourmous obstacle in your path, but with your strength of faith, and the prayers of many, I too, am confident you will be healed, and can resume the life that you had hoped for. Hang in there.
God bless;


You have raised an amazing young man there. I'm sure you are very proud of him, as I would be if he were my son. I would be honored to have him as a son. He can teach all of us, a little something more about living.
Praying for you too;


Too all of the good peep's that reside here, and that have posted on Josh's thread, I say too you all, God bless all of you for caring for a fellow Supramaniac so much. Especially to those whom have offered to be tested for a marrow transplant match, a very courageous thing to do! I also say to those who might have reservations about praying, because maybe you don't believe in God, or what have you. You can still do it silently, or when no one is around, and can't hear you. It's okay, God hears you.
Keep praying.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Wish I could be a part of the bone marrow test. :icon_sad: After several years of making donations, the Red Cross says no way to me making blood donations or any other tissue/organ donation for an indefinite time.

Seems that 9 months in Europe in 1987 means they now fear I could have mad cow disease. Duh. Stupid as that is, it's sad because I have a somewhat rare blood factor that makes me suitable for donating to children, as I understand it. It's even sadder now that I would be "unsuitable" as a bone marrow donor.

Best of luck for the drive Josh! I hope somebody's a match. :icon_razz


Jul 14, 2005
bellevue,nashville, tn
my same probloem. i was turned down for a blood drive because i was in the navy and spent alot of time in europe and other areas of the like. htye wont be able to tell us for a couple weeks im sure if they found any of us to be a match. seemed to be an awesome turn out.
now, to josh:
you seem to have an awesoem sdupport basis in and around your area. we met alot of awesome people today and see why you are sso strong. stay up playa. your doin alright.

Mark's MKII

Jul 13, 2006
Nashville Tn.
I want to thank you Brandon and Jessica for coming out to the Bone Marrow drive. Hopefully we can get a match soon so we can get this thing going asap. You have a beautiful daughter (Lilly) and I can see that she is the joy of your lives. You have a wonderful family and are headed in the right direction with your life. I want to thank you and Allan for taking care of Josh's car and I will pick it up after he gets out of the hospital for this round of chemo.

For anybody else that lives nearby, we are having another drive at my work on friday in Nashville at 1214 Church St. from 8:30 am till 3:00 pm 9-01-06.

For those of you that live to far and want to help you can go to any Bone Marrow drive near you and if your a match for Josh you will be called for help. They have them more than you know.

Thanks, Mark M.


Jul 14, 2005
bellevue,nashville, tn
Hi Mark, this is Jessica. We enjoyed being there, and we mostly enjoyed being able to meet you and talk with you, and showin off Lillian!! I'm just glad that we could be there for a good cause. Even in the short time that we were there, there was tons of people! I was so pleased to see how many people participated. Josh is very much loved by his community. I can't wait until you guys get the good new that there was a match! Well, let Josh know that he is in our prayers, and we can't wait to see him back out on the road in that purty red supra of his! Take care. btw, tell Lisa we said hi and thanks for talking with us too!



naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I hope everything is going good Josh. I know that sounds stupid, since you're in the hospital battling cancer, but I think you know what I mean. I am still praying for you everyday and I know it's helping. They have postponed the meet my wife and I was going to in Kentucky til October something. We're stilll going to drop by and see you and your family. Hopefully by then you'll be at home full time and in recovery mode. I'll take you for a ride in my car and we can see how many Mustang Gt's we can smoke. My wife is looking for a place around here that can test us for dna for the bone marrow transplant. I give blood pretty regular, but I've never been tested for anything like this. If we're a match then my marrow is your

Keep up the faith........................:bowdown:


Thank you, SM and!
Apr 3, 2005
Thanks Jay, Im back home now and I am really enjoying this stay at home. I have to have shots everyday which sucks but I can actually move around, so this home stay is much better! I plan on picking my car up soon, and to tell the truth Im kinda embarassed by the fact that I haven't yet! I'd like to go on a day that both Allan and Brandon are working, so if either of you get this could you tell me what day that would be? I want to thank you guys in person. And I would like to thank everyone on here for supporting me so far, and I apoligize for not updating sooner and more frequently. But again, thanks!
Josh M


Jul 14, 2005
bellevue,nashville, tn
hey bro, we both work tomorrow and wensday and thursday and friday and saturday and sunday and monday and teusday and wensday and thursday.... wait, did anyone pic up on that lack of days off in there? haha. come and get your car whenever bro, she is ready for her daddy. just call us at the shopt to make sure we are there. 99% chance we will be. ttyl brutha. btw, dont over work yourself trying to get there to get her. she is in good hands. i have to admit though, she breaks my heart to see her everday and know its not mine and i cant drive it like its mine. damnit, i want one of my own on the road again.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Glad to hear your at home Josh. Hope the pain subsides

I hope you get another supra too Boosted when the stars line back up for you. I know you've got alot on your plate now, but it will get better. Hard work and a good education will see to

They've changed the date at the KY meet, so it will be a while longer before my wife and I come up there to see you both. We will definately let you know ahead of time so that we can stop


The Big Unit
Apr 6, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Hey Josh,

I just caught wind of this thread, and would just like to reinforce what everyone else has said by saying that you are one brave young soldier, and god holds you in his hands.. I'll tell you like I tell those kids in pop-warner football... just pump yourself up.. say your the man.. say theres no one better than you.. say theres no disease that can beat me.. I've beat this before It aint got nothing on ME!!!.. and yes you have to say aint! It's a requirement ;). You are now in my prayers sir, and hopefully you can stay @ your home for as long as possible.. Stay Strong Brother!


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Madd Tyte JDM yo ®
Apr 2, 2005
st. pete, fl
yeah i can top it... not w/ my story, but my friend's.

his name is josh, but we call him tabor, which means something like the Bringer of bad luck. he has nothing but bad luck. he says God hates him and wants to punish him, but wont let him die. case in point;

he has bad migraines when he is 16, like last year. day in, day out. he jokes around sayin "its probably a fuckin Brain tumor". well at some point he has to go into the dr. and figure out whats wrong... if its hypertension or something like that. they do a CT scan and find a brain tumor. fortunately, it was operable. they removed it and he now has a titanium plate in his head. the dr. said that if he gets blunt force trauma to this plate, it can KILL him. like, i mean, fall down and bang his head on the ground, or stand up fast and bang your head on the hood. hes hit his head numerous times and only come out w/ pain and suffering. the kid is like 5'6". he used to have a F250 on 49" Iroc's w/ 29" of lift. the bottom corner of the door was at the perfect height to bash his plate. hes fallen out of the truck, 4' to the ground. stood up and bashed his head on the corner. hes worked on his boat in his back yard and fallen off the deck 10' and hit his head on the ground. hes the ONLY person in florida to hit a Block of ICE in the middle of the road which had a core of some kind of lubricant. he hit it in his MINT-ass mustang, fucked up his bumper, slid on the grease that was released, careened over a curb, and hit a BUSH... not a normal bush, but a "TRee-bush". this damn bush had a stump inside of it like a TREE. this all happened this year. its not over yet.

just be reassured that theres always someone who has it worse than you ;)


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I don't think God has it out for him, I think he's clumbsy. Tell him to watch where he's going and quit falling if it's going to kill him. Hopefully he'll be