Building my Dream 1jz supra :)

Well, YAY! THe suspension is finally done!!! All 3 cars have been successfully swapped. I ran into some crazy ass problems yesterday though. First we had to figure out how to remove the rear suspension. That really didn't take that much time, but removing all the plastic from the donor car took a while. We were careful not to loose any parts also.

We got the first struts out and then began to work on the second set when we found a medium size hornets nest in the new blue car.well, it literally took about an hour to successfully smoke out the hornets. 2 kept coming back trying to rebuild the nest. Well it was about 7:30 at night and light was nearly gone by this time when we finally were able to begin on the new blue car. We tore out the interior very carefully and then began to remove the struts. I think it was about 8:30 now and it was completely dark.

We installed the new struts on the blue car and then took the 100k struts to the black 86 supra. Only one of the struts were good sadly. I remember when i rode in the blue car 3 years ago, there was a bad shock, well we found it. So the black car was only going to get 3 newer struts. :( Better then none. Well anyways, we went over to the black car and began to install the newer strut and we find out it doesn't go in. The slip ring for the suspension was totally rusted and after about 45 minutes of attempting we finally had to call it a night. It was like 10:20 now. I was so frustrated. I had to leave all 3 cars with their asses in the air all night long. :( I couldn't sleep at all last night because of it. I actually woke up at 4:20 am and walked outside and looked at all of the jack stands to make sure they hadn't budged.

Well, none of them budged and after work today i continued my work. My awesome next door neighbor, brad, just got home as i did. He has been a mechanic for like a million years and so i asked for some help. Well, we took the strut out and he shaved it down just a tiny bit. Well, it was just enough to get it in. After about 30 more minutes of pushing and prying it finally got totally on with the nut. I was extatic! well, he left and i spent 2 more hours torquing all of the bolts and putting the wheels on all of the cars. I just finished about 10 minutes ago. But now all of my ladies are on the ground! YES! So yeah, that is my story about the damn fricken suspension!!!

Moral of the story: Defiantly be careful if you are swapping the rear suspension on a really old supra, especially if it has some rust. It is a pain to get together again! Also check the car a day in advance if there are any hornets nests! :)

Well, i have to change those 3 gaskets tomorrow so i can get the engine in the new car like by this weekend. If there is anyone in the Spokane area that can lend a hand, let me know!
Well, I worked on the turbos again today. I had to cut a 12 in half so i could toque the rear bolts on the studs. I need to cut my 14 so i can do the last few bolts. I accidently didnt empty my oil pan and it overflowed tonight. Kinda sucked and was messy. Man, i was told that this engine like only had 500 miles on the oil change, i am pretty sure that wasnt right. That oil was filthy. I have a feeling the shop didnt change the oil after the engine swap. I have seen way too many messed up things with this engine. But the turbos do look like they are in good condition :) Well, i am off to bed now.
I have to run to work in a second, but i will get them done now! :)

i think i have a problem :)

I dont think the exhaust will fit with that damn shield on. Did any other people leave that on?

with it gone

another angle

I had to make some tools to get the turbos back on. :)

Extra crap from the old 7m engine.

5 Speed drive shaft.

Clutch stuff

3" exhaust ready for the new car.

Well, i hope that ties over you guys for a few minutes :)
oh yeah, tons of updates. It is pretty much done and running, i just haven't had time to update this thread. I got it running on a Monday night and i had to move across the state the next morning, so i left it and took the minivan. I just moved into my new house, a week later. I am going back to Spokane in a week to pick her up and grab the rest of my stuff. I will update with all of the pix soon, when i have a few free moments. I still need a new desk :) It is uncomfortable typing on the floor. :)


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Trust me when i say this, all the work that you do durring the swap makes it worthwile in the end. and remember to tighten ALL the clamps on the IC piping, i blew off 3 hoses today, within 1 hr of taking the car out. It was like, OMG, 3psi boom.
SO yeah, i spent like 4 hours yesterday working on getting my 1j to start. For some reason it would only boost to 4lbs and then would have total fuel cut. Super horrible. Well it took a few hours of testing to figure out that the MAP sensor was actually malfunctioning. It would only go to 2.66v. I couldnt get it to go over. 2.66v is equal to about 4lbs. Well, we kept blowing into it and testing it for like 2 hours. We were able to get it to go upto near 5v with the air compressor, so it would go to about 4.5v, but then we would drive it and it would be limited to 2.66 again. Fricken innoying. Well, finally after 2 hours it stopped acting up and i was able to go to full boost. I have no clue what on earth was going on. Have any of you had similar problems? Is there another map sensor that can replace this one. I cant imagine that there isnt another option. It is a very simple map sensor. 2.5 is zero lbs and 0 equals to about -20lbs of vacuum and 5V = about 20lbs of boost. Well, let me know if you guys have any ideas. Do these map sensors go out very often? I drove her all night and it was FRICKEN AWESOME!!! :)
Okay, so finally after driving this car for nearly 3 months, it has power and tons of boost! I was sooo confused why it never felt that powerful. I mean, i could get it to boost when i pushed it, but it felt like i was always fighting it.
Well, i spent the night working on the supra. I have had the iridium plugs sitting around to be put in, so i finally did it. The car had an rpm bump which is totally gone! YAY!!! and the car has a freakish amount of power now!!! YES! So yeah, i just took it out and had a blast! One of the plugs was nearly closed. It had a gap of about .12 instead of .28. I don't know how it happened. That explains why it couldn't rev smoothly.

So yeah, now i have a new issue. Being it is 11pm and i am tired, i am not going to diagnose it much more tonight, but the car made a funny noise under full boost. I could replicate it over and over. When i pushed the pedal, it made a funny noise like a fan from the turbo side of the car i am guessing. It didn't sound nice or good, but the car kept boosting even with the noise. Anyone have an idea? Does it have something to do with the stock turbos?

Also tonight i installed the hydro fan setup with an American radiator. My 1jz radiator blew last week, so i had to swap it. So i have only 2 bolts holding the fan in, so i am hoping it has something to do with that, but i am not sure. It is dark and i cant see well outside.

Another very exciting thing was that the car runs fine under full boost. I have been seriously worried about boosting the car because it seemed that it ran lean under full boost. Well, that is definitely not the case. I ran the laptop tonight and under full boost at about 5 grand the a/f goes to between 12 and 11. So i am very very happy. Everything seems to be fine with fuel. I just wish i had changed the plugs earlier.
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tunin' tha beast
Jun 2, 2007
the netherlands
viperkillertt said:
One of the plugs was nearly closed. It had a gap of about 12mm instead of 28. I don't know how it happened. That explains why it couldn't rev smoothly.
Good to hear it is running!
You might have bumped the plug to the edge of the hole when putting it in. It doesn't need that big of a tap to change the gap.

However, I don't think it was 12mm, that's about half an inch ;) (I live in the metric side of the world)


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide

I'm trying to order me a set of irridiums right now. How much did you pay for yours and where did you get them?

I'm glad you got it running good and strong.