Kai;1164093 said:
Well, this was what was sent to me via PM:
When you say they're 4-5 weeks out, do you mean they ran out of them 4-5 weeks ago, or are they going to be making more for release in 4-5 weeks?
Meaning 4-5 weeks until they are avaliable.
I like that PM that was sent to you.
Here is my answer to that PM
1) If the phasing is off some on the ex. cam, all you need to do is adjust the CPS one tooth advanced or retard to make up for it. Then you will still be able to swing the CPS to adjust the timing.
2) No one has ran a BC cam long enough to determain if the reduction in cam bearing surface will wear the head any faster or not. No one has any data to even say how much the stock cams wear the head for a certain number of miles. Saying it will wear the head faster is a guess.
3) Not every cam is like that. There has been some reports of this, but then there are more reports of them being spot on. I have personally measured several sets of BC cams and found no issues in relation to sizing. Some that have been bad are accepted back to BC for exchange for another. They have even taken my word for it and sent new parts without seeing the old one first.
4) over all they look like a nice set of brand new cams. I don't understand the "overall finish sucks" comment.
Lastly, unless the person who pm'd you personnaly knows Brian Crower, how he he say the reason for him going out on his own? How does he know he would not "pull his load" at Crower. With out 100% proof, how can it be said all BC products are made in china?
For the money BC cams are hard to beat. The Best made cams are billet steel cams from TEDs or SIP. But very few people in the world are going to need a 1500.00 dollar set of big billet cams. Regrinds are a good cost effective alternative. I make them, as well as several other companies out there.