Ok, so have you now discovered WHY we retaliated to your posts??????
Just because your wife did it, and it was easy for her, doesn't mean that it is like that for every other female on the face of this earth.
It is one thing to think it is a great thing (which it is), but it an entirely different thing to be pushing the boob as the be all and end all, and making the bottle out to be the worst thing in the world. You kinda painted the mums who give the bottle as horrible people who aren't doing the best for their kids.
People need to understand that sometimes the mum (or the bub) doesn't get a choice in the matter and because of all the emotion and frustration involved in making the decision (or having it made for you), it is an EXTREMELY touchy subject.
Just because your wife did it, and it was easy for her, doesn't mean that it is like that for every other female on the face of this earth.
It is one thing to think it is a great thing (which it is), but it an entirely different thing to be pushing the boob as the be all and end all, and making the bottle out to be the worst thing in the world. You kinda painted the mums who give the bottle as horrible people who aren't doing the best for their kids.
People need to understand that sometimes the mum (or the bub) doesn't get a choice in the matter and because of all the emotion and frustration involved in making the decision (or having it made for you), it is an EXTREMELY touchy subject.