Alright, I'll offer up my humbled opinion so take it for what it's worth. I'm not sure on the bottle vs. breastfeeding as far as which one produces better/stronger/smarter kids, but I believe that every mother should try it at least once(not necessarily "make" then, just encourage them). I believe that breastfeeding if you are able, promotes bonding and intimacy with the child you are with at that time. My two sisters and I all have been breastfed when we were young grasshoppers, my mom's sister has not been able to do so for some her kids. Maybe I'm being insensitive when I say that everybody is making this a bigger deal then it really is, I believe matt didn't mean "make" in the form of forcing it upon somebody but merely encourage them to try. I feel bad for those who are less fortunate to experience and/or enjoy this bonding experience but in no way do I believe that you are depriving your child that would otherwise be breastfed. My two cents...