now im sure theres been a thread on this but i was wondering which was best, for how much, and where to get it. im gonna port and polish the head and make everything flow pretty. i originally wanted to go big twins but due to my finacial situation i cant afford it.
but i was looking into this set up . lemme know whatcha all think.:evil2: ummm....also this may sound stupid but, will i need to install a metal head gasket like a hks or something of the sort? because from what i understood is that you dont need to like you would a 7m? i wish to make ~600 and alot more after i do internals.:1zhelp: . lemme know whatcha all think.:evil2: ummm....also this may sound stupid but, will i need to install a metal head gasket like a hks or something of the sort? because from what i understood is that you dont need to like you would a 7m? i wish to make ~600 and alot more after i do internals.:1zhelp: