Sorry if it seems stupid but Ive been searching all day and have been reading conflicting awnsers.. Anyways I am repairing my bhg on a 7mgte. I have arp undercut studs and a felpro permatorque head gasket, I plan on using some copper spray gasket and torquing the headstuds to 80ft lbs. I do not have anymore time and need the car running asap and need it to last under stock boost till I can save some more money. That being said the head and block have not been resurfaced. The head I have now is one I pulled from another car as the original is junk. I cleaned as best I could and I sanded both surfaces lightly with 400grit and lube. even though I was careful some paste byproduct from sanding and maybe gasket scrapings could have gotten in the passages. What is the best way to make sure It doesnt eat my bearings and clean it all out without damaging anything? Block is still in the car.. Also some pics of the block and head... good enough to get by???
Also should I loosen and retorque the head studs as some people have said? Also retorquing after heat cycling or miles? I should be able to get the engine back together today (thurs) and need to drive the car to Houston on Sun. (about 200 miles)
Also should I loosen and retorque the head studs as some people have said? Also retorquing after heat cycling or miles? I should be able to get the engine back together today (thurs) and need to drive the car to Houston on Sun. (about 200 miles)

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