BHG OF DOOM dang it oh well


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
well i got my 92 about 3 mouths ago if i remmber right and it had bad t state in it that i dignosed whe i frist got the car but i never changed it cause i was busy and new i have to chnage the gasket soon any way was 170 on it so it was coming

well i mad trip up iland after teh supr ameet in van and she over heated oh well pop water in it and get to my buddies house well poped out the t state and it barely open when it was on the stove the new one open alot more

so this si the reson it over heated now i wish i choudl take this back but i had choice to make to weatehr even useing a t state or poping int eh new one but my buddie coaded me into runingthe t state so i did

over heated 2 times on teh way back home long trip 3 hours of stright driven

so i got ti home drove it around ti again wiht eh stuiped t steat in over head mabye 3 times in that peroid and then i fanily poped my t state out cause the pusre in my cooling system was gettign to high

and that workfed great for about 2 week's well now my car has miss and sounds like a subura boxster enigne at low rpm lol so i parked it for now

funny thing thou i know the time that hg got to the point of missing is whe i playign my my buddies trubo civic i wanted to boost bust i shuddent wellt eh littel devil one lol and bag got neat miss out of it

all it need was to last one more week cause that was the day of the head swap oh ya ei bought brand new head caus ei knwo that one goig to be like banna

so what i goig to do is
new head with na cams
hard pipes
hard pipe for trubo
na power streeing res
mabye posih turbo
port the stock head a bit
remove stud bumps in exhuast manny and re shape the colletor

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
That is a pricey rebuild with all new parts. But if you bumped the redzone, the chance of warpage is very high. So make sure you have a build page.

170k on a composite gasket is pretty good. It was probably at 58 lb/ft also.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
well it's not to exp i got new head for cheeper then rebuilding and ti come siwht cams all per shimmed as well plsu i ahve like 3 core heads here

beat's redoing the seat's tiping vavles buy shim or too ect ect

got the new head form clear waters off ebay for 450 usd witch is far ceeper then rebuiling mine in any way i look at it

i may do build thread but this mosly a repire thread and how far i drove on the bhg all i ran was water so no piting fo the block chould happen

Nick M said:
That is a pricey rebuild with all new parts. But if you bumped the redzone, the chance of warpage is very high. So make sure you have a build page.

170k on a composite gasket is pretty good. It was probably at 58 lb/ft also.


New Member
Jul 13, 2006
Victoria, BC
Well I got my 92 about 3 months ago if I remember right, and it had a bad thermostat that I diagnosed when I first purchased the car. I was a fat lazy fuck and sat on my ass and I didn't change it, and now I've fucked the headgasket something fierce. (168 000 kms)

Well I made a trip up island after the Supra meet in Vancouver and she overheated. Oh well pop some water in it and get to my buddies house. Well I popped out the thermostat and it barely opened when it was on the stove, so I bought a new one.

This is the reason it overheated, now I wish I could take this back but I had a choice to make. Whether or not to even use a thermostat or to pop in the new one. My buddy coaxed me into running the thermostat so I did.

I overheated twice on the way back home, it was a long trip, 3 hours of straight driving.

So I got it home and drove it around again with the stupid thermostat in, overheated maybe 3 times (he's lying, was more like 6 or 7) in that period before I finally popped my thermostat out.

It worked great for about two weeks, but now my car sounds like a Subaru Boxer motor at low RPM's due to a huge missfire. I am going to park it for now.

Funny thing though I know what caused my headgasket to create a missfire. I was playing with my buddy's turbo civic and I wanted to boost, but I knew I shouldn't. Well the little devil won, lol. And I got a bad missfire out of it.

All it needed was to alst one more week cause that was the day of the head swap. Oh yea, I bought a brand new head (its an overhauled head from some company in Flordia, not a bad deal IMO), because I know that this one is going to be like a banana.

The parts list for this build is:

New head with NA cams
Hard pipes
Hare pipe for turbo
NA Power steering resevoir
Maybe polish my turbo
Port the stock head a bit
Remove stud bumps from exhast manifold and reshape the collector.

Translation provided by NashMan translator 2.0

But LOL it was really funny watching Nashman fill his coolant. It wasn't even really coolant anymore, just a shitload of smelly foam. When he started the car without the rad cap it shot 3ft in the air with all the combustion. Man oh man I hope your block isn't fucked to shit.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
Nick M said:
That is a pricey rebuild with all new parts. But if you bumped the redzone, the chance of warpage is very high. So make sure you have a build page.

170k on a composite gasket is pretty good. It was probably at 58 lb/ft also.

Please tell me your kidding? Because mine has done that twice now, but the temp flew up so fast that I couldnt get off the road to shut it off until like 2 minutes later :1zhelp:


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
woot woot going to go pick up my head wow clear water send really fast gopig to fler gauge it see fi ti is in spec then plug the egr junk with a thread bung so easy then maken dumb plate

wish me luck on the head being shimmed right


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
well i pick up my head well it shimed good to the point were i will install it

but the head i got had like billon miles on it as in lime a carotion in the water jakets

nothig like clr will solve but other then that i am happy for the price i paid

but the big pitty si have to fisn out how much they took off the head spo i have to mic it highewr comp is good but to much is bad

well wish me luck


New Member
Jul 13, 2006
Victoria, BC
Yea, although most of the shims were on the tight side you should be okay...

Smack the valves into position for afew hundred km's and then see how it feels. Its easy enough to swap out shims now that I have that tool..I can do it in seconds.

That and I found you can also buy shims from Ford that work.