I would be pretty confident in saying that 105 ft-lbs (with moly !!) killed this gasket. That is equivalent to like 230% of the Toyota factory spec (58 ft-lbs with motor oil). A big long swiss cheese sausage head like the 7M will not be flat with that much pressure on 14 discrete bolts. You will also pull up the block deck around the bolt holes.
I still go by my statement that the ARP 81ft-lbs (with moly) spec is too high for a non-ferrous head. Although, as JDUB has correctly pointed out, there is no other spec with the ARP stud kit instructions for non-ferrous apps like there is for the head bolt kit. I believe it should be derated by 12% for aluminum applications due to the 1.7 times greater thermal expansion rate of aluminum compared to iron.
ahh but what do I know... torque it up 'til it snaps, then back it off half a turn :biglaugh: