So i finally located a reconditioned head, fully assembled from Moore's Cylinder Heads. I got it through Autozone. Its for a N/A motor, and according to all the parts stores in town, the only one in existence. I unwrapped it and right away i could see it has been machined alot. I took my old head and the reconditioned head to the shop to have it measured. My old head has been machined 17 thousandths and has no warp, but some deep grooves from the head gasket rings. Probably another 10 thou to clean it up for a grand total of 27 thou. The Reconditioned head from Moore's has been machined 52 thou! Needless to say i left my old head at the shop to get cleaned up. Im head gasket shopping right now, to try to find something to take up the 27 thou difference.