Mark: thanks again for that pipe, it is NICE! And you'll see it in action too... I spent last weekend fabing it up, cutting and taping it, now Rob is going to weld it up... I wish I had one more 45* bend though, but thats ok, I just did a few pie cuts and we should be able to clean up the inside nice before welding on the next piece...
Justin: my car sits LOW... I guess you never saw it in person, but I posted a pic where my fist was on the ground and the top of my fist was touching the lip... Besides, 3.5 is plenty for that teeny turbo Im using, lol...
AF1: I hear what your saying... thats part of my mental debate with myself... If I go aluminized, I could always sell it later and make my money back, plus, if I screw up a cut, it wont be nearly as costly of a mistake... but I dunno... I just gotta check the funds...
Sleeper: You never found anything at HD? You must not own an MKIII, because most of the MKIV guys think thats where we get all our mods, lol... BTW: that site has some good prices man... But, no 3.5" anything...