I wished that I could go home from work early and not go back tomarrow.
So God and Murphy teamed up and gave me what i wished for. observe
Flight Doc89: let me explain, there is more to it then it seems
Flight Doc89: I was driving down the road, coasting down hill easing on brakes because the truck in front of me was turning left.......
Flight Doc89: coasting ~40mph
Flight Doc89: when that truck in front of me is out of the way, this dumbass stupid fucking cocklicker anal pirate is BACKING UP INT TE M,IDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD because he missed the turn that the truck behind him took
Flight Doc89: i hit the brakes, and stop like 5-6 feet behind him *phew*
Flight Doc89: and he keeps on backing and kills my 1/4 panekl
raijuta: What, was he drunk or something?
Flight Doc89: no, just stupid
Flight Doc89: didnt seems drunk. he and his homies (< indicates race)(**i'm not racist, it just paints the picture**) jumped out and started hollering that i ran into them
Flight Doc89: even if i had, why were they fucking stopped in the middle of the road
Flight Doc89: by middle, i really do mean in both lanes, that's why the rest of my car surevived, sorta
cops really didnt tell me shit, just took my info and story, told me to get everything from the accident report tuesday or so.
So God and Murphy teamed up and gave me what i wished for. observe
Flight Doc89: let me explain, there is more to it then it seems
Flight Doc89: I was driving down the road, coasting down hill easing on brakes because the truck in front of me was turning left.......
Flight Doc89: coasting ~40mph
Flight Doc89: when that truck in front of me is out of the way, this dumbass stupid fucking cocklicker anal pirate is BACKING UP INT TE M,IDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD because he missed the turn that the truck behind him took
Flight Doc89: i hit the brakes, and stop like 5-6 feet behind him *phew*
Flight Doc89: and he keeps on backing and kills my 1/4 panekl
raijuta: What, was he drunk or something?
Flight Doc89: no, just stupid
Flight Doc89: didnt seems drunk. he and his homies (< indicates race)(**i'm not racist, it just paints the picture**) jumped out and started hollering that i ran into them
Flight Doc89: even if i had, why were they fucking stopped in the middle of the road
Flight Doc89: by middle, i really do mean in both lanes, that's why the rest of my car surevived, sorta
cops really didnt tell me shit, just took my info and story, told me to get everything from the accident report tuesday or so.