Be careful what you wish for.....

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States
I wished that I could go home from work early and not go back tomarrow.

So God and Murphy teamed up and gave me what i wished for. observe

Flight Doc89: let me explain, there is more to it then it seems
Flight Doc89: I was driving down the road, coasting down hill easing on brakes because the truck in front of me was turning left.......
Flight Doc89: coasting ~40mph
Flight Doc89: when that truck in front of me is out of the way, this dumbass stupid fucking cocklicker anal pirate is BACKING UP INT TE M,IDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD because he missed the turn that the truck behind him took
Flight Doc89: i hit the brakes, and stop like 5-6 feet behind him *phew*
Flight Doc89: and he keeps on backing and kills my 1/4 panekl
raijuta: What, was he drunk or something?
Flight Doc89: no, just stupid
Flight Doc89: didnt seems drunk. he and his homies (< indicates race)(**i'm not racist, it just paints the picture**) jumped out and started hollering that i ran into them
Flight Doc89: even if i had, why were they fucking stopped in the middle of the road
Flight Doc89: by middle, i really do mean in both lanes, that's why the rest of my car surevived, sorta

cops really didnt tell me shit, just took my info and story, told me to get everything from the accident report tuesday or so.

Puppy Eater

from the rooftop...
Mar 31, 2005
in your dreams....
thats common occurance here in the middle east.. i really honestly dont think they issue drivers licenses out here.. have seen some pretty nasty wrecks on the roads that im pretty sure no one walked away from..

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Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
My anti-homie:



Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
Oh man...I was doing a test ride on a new gigxxer 1000 and i did not have a stop. So i see an asian lady at the stop(4 way road cross traffic has no stop) So i keep on going the lady fucken in front of me starts to go , so i was WTF> holly shit, i don't remember how i made it but the bitch cut me off hard and i was wtf, she started to talk some stuff.(i don't know what she was saying , not english). Then at the light i was turning left and she was behind me and she cut me off again.
I got really mad and i was about to kick her window and doors.
I did not, i was working.
Theres alot of people that don't know how to drive, i always have to drive like 30 phm on roads that speed limit is posted 45. i just hate shit like that.
Im not racist but man, theres alot of asian ladys that do not know how to drive, thats my experience. Then theres the occasional ass-hole thats with there Homies (IM mexican), driving a mini van and thinking there all hard, driving all stupid and if you pass them they get really mad.

I think im going to stop at this moment. I hate cali because alot of people don't know how to drive in this state.
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