attacks on christmas


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Holy shit people. It is a word. Letters come together and form syllables, syllables form a word the word becomes a symbol and that symbol is assigned a meaning. When we say Christmas, images of whatever winter holiday tradition your family celebrates should come to mind. Those are the things that should be assigned to that word in any sain persons mind. If you hear the word Christmas and start analyzing every little thing about it then you need help because you take life way to serously.If you are offended by the word Christmas then get over it, because it serves it's purpose quite well, and there is no reason to change it.


Supramania Contributor
The media is just bummed they don't have a John Kerry president this Christmas season, so they are running shit that they know will bum out the conservatives of the world... (Evil little media people that they are...)

Ignore them and say Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you all.