No way I can stay out of this one... LOL
Christmas is here to stay. "Happy Holiday's" is fine, but I still say and will always say Merry Christmas. (Well, Actually I like the Happy Christmas, Merry New Year, just because it makes people think and pull strange faces when you say it.)
PC should be for Political Crap. ACLU has done more harm than good, and many of my fellow Americans agree with me. Amen, and God Bless... (And fuck you ACLU.)
We are so backward right now it's not even funny.
It's OK to talk about Kwanza, or whatever "non Christian" religion wants to call their winter solstice celebration.
It would be limiting their rights to have to say God or Allah or whatever in any speaches, or pleges.
To these offended souls, I say "Screw you!" I've lived in other countries where Allah was in charge, and Christmas was talked about in hushed tones like some secret society. (Well, actually the Armenian Iranians celebrate Christmas, or they used to when the Shaw was still in power.)
Here in my country I will always celebrate Christmas. And In God I trust to the end of time.
Don't belive in God, Fine with me.
Don't want to celebrate Christmas, also fine with me. Nobody is holding a gun to your head you know.
Don't like money with "IN GOD WE TRUST" printed on it? Fine, use a credit or debit card, they have nothing printed on them.
If you really hate so much of America, please leave and go somewhere else. The world is a large place, and there are flights leaving many times a week, so your travel plans will not even cause you pain and suffering.
The vast majority of this country will party when your gone.
Merry Christmas!
PS, Christ was actually born in the spring, that's when the Romans collected taxes, and why Mary and Joeseph had to go to his home town of Bethlehem to be counted and taxed under Roman rule. Sometime in April is Christ's birthday. Does this knowlege stop me from enjoying Christmas? Heck no. (Even though it really is a combination of a few pegan rituals, and parties around the winter solstice.) I celebrate Christmas with the rest of the world Dec. 25th.

And I enjoy it and think of everything Christ did for me and this world. (Even for the ones who don't belive in him...) Ok, end of religious rant for now.