Are there any aftermarket exhaust manifolds that bolt up to the ct26 and still allow me to keep all the factory hardware? (oil lines, coolant lines, IC piping, DP)
DegreE;950260 said:Are there any aftermarket exhaust manifolds that bolt up to the ct26 and still allow me to keep all the factory hardware? (oil lines, coolant lines, IC piping, DP)
DegreE;950267 said:I'm doing NA-T and I don't want to get into custom oil lines and IC pipes just yet.
So in other words, the CT26 is garbage?
Supracentral;950271 said:The shaft is too thin to really support any considerably larger wheels, etc. Ask MDC about this, he can tell you all of the challenges that this turbo has.
You're not going to get one because most of the people who have responded in this thread have NFI or clue about what they are talking about.
Originally Posted by thebullshitbrigade
"Ct shafts are weak and snap from 60-1 compressor wheels....
Im serious people. Stop the rumor mill(s). If you don't know, don't say it or post it.
The ct26 shaft (nose) is larger than the to4E / to4b shaft that the 60-1 came on straight from Garrett.
Stop spreading bullshit facts that you dont' know about.
What kills a ct26 60-1 is two things:
1.) Unbalanced assembly. This is because most balancing systems are a heinz based system. Trying to balance a ct26 turbine with this compressor wheel is a real shot in the dark as Heinz doesn't give you calibration codes for such a combination.
2.) The 60-1 wheel flows more air than the stock ct26 housing was designed for. This leads to compressor surge. Compressor surge = death.
Now stop posting ignorance!
Oh, and the TheNewRed, don't even think about cryotreating that shaft unless you want it to do some funky stuff....
Supracentral;951325 said:No shit. I stand corrected. Jon definitely knows more about this turbo than I.
However I stand by the remainder of the post. Whatever the reasons for the turbo's limits, it's limited and you can't make "real" power on one. You certainly won't outflow the stock manifold with it.
MDCmotorsports;951338 said:Mike: To add - the oiling design and system of the ct26 is got to be the shitty-est ever mass produced.
But yes, the shaft really isn't the problem, its the wheel attached to it. ;-)
MDCmotorsports;951338 said:Mike: To add - the oiling design and system of the ct26 is got to be the shitty-est ever mass produced.
But yes, the shaft really isn't the problem, its the wheel attached to it. ;-)
IwantMKIII;951348 said:can you please expand on this, im curious. Educate away! Also, if you do decide to, it may be a good idea for someone to make it a sticky depending on how in depth your willing to go of course. Maybe a thread something along the lines of Myths of the CT-26: Busted! or just Ct-26 facts as topics like these (oiling issues, truth behind the upgrade reliability etc) tend to come up A LOT that i notice.
MDCmotorsports;951368 said:The Hitachi designed oiling system relies on the oil feed and oil return on the same flange surface.
This makes oil pressure into the turbo dependent on the oil feed & return gasket to stay intact.
If the gasket fails, then oil makes it way directly into the return, and the turbo never sees pressure.
The other problem with the oiling system is the oil feed is on the bottom of the bearing housing.
When the car is shut off, all the oil has a tendency to drain back into the feed line.
On most t4 style setups where the feed is up top (Garrett, Mitsu, Holset etc), there is a level of residue oil so to speak to where the turbo at least sees some oil on initial startup.
Same problem, essentially. Why would anyone buy a bolt-on turbo and manifold, when for virtually the same money you can have a real turbo and manifold?sneakypete;951481 said:what about a stock location tubular manifold for bolt-on turbos?
GrimJack;951517 said:Same problem, essentially. Why would anyone buy a bolt-on turbo and manifold, when for virtually the same money you can have a real turbo and manifold?
The guy who develops this will get a few purchases from people who purchased one at a time, but not enough to warrant the R&D work.