Ok, so back when I was looking around for inspiration on where to install my AEM EMS, I couldn't find anything. So I've created this thread to help others. First, I removed the factory ECU and ABS ECU. The ABS ECU had all mounting tabs removed and was then wedged to far right corner. All mounting tabs for both factory ECU's that were located on either the dash or support bar were cut off using tin snips and a dremel wheel. The AEM EMS was secured to the top with 2 heavy duty nylon zip ties. There is a bar that runs from the front of the dash to behind the support bar. I used that as the anchor for the zip ties. Actually made the ECU fit quite flush. To get the factory plastic upper cover to fit under the ECU required modification. I cut the front 3" off and mounted it just for a place to attach the little green glove box light. The rest of the cover would not fit without hitting the EMS. So I either had to cut the back of the glove box or what remained of the upper cover. I chose to cut the entire top off the upper cover and just leave the sides. This way I can always make a new cover out of a more flexible material and use the sides as a frame. I wedged the rear of the upper cover in the back and it snapped into place nicely. The installation of the glove box was a bit tricky. A lot of trial and error. First, the right stop-tab that protrudes from the side of the glove box had to be cut down about 1/2" so it wouldn't rub against the relocated ABS ECU. The wires for the EMS had to be repositioned to allow the glove box to close properly, as they were all bunched up on the upper right side. I had already extended the largest plug, (plug D), previously from when I was planning and locating the AEM EMS to under the passenger seat, so there was a good 12" of extra wire I had to find a place for. However, it allowed me to route the plugs for proper fitment. This extra length may have aided or hindered ease of install. I don't believe it will be needed for others to mount their ECU's the same way.
Now, on to the pics!
Now, on to the pics!

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