AEM EMS installed in factory location *PICS*


Project OVERKILL!!!
Apr 10, 2005
Charleston, SC
Ok, so back when I was looking around for inspiration on where to install my AEM EMS, I couldn't find anything. So I've created this thread to help others. First, I removed the factory ECU and ABS ECU. The ABS ECU had all mounting tabs removed and was then wedged to far right corner. All mounting tabs for both factory ECU's that were located on either the dash or support bar were cut off using tin snips and a dremel wheel. The AEM EMS was secured to the top with 2 heavy duty nylon zip ties. There is a bar that runs from the front of the dash to behind the support bar. I used that as the anchor for the zip ties. Actually made the ECU fit quite flush. To get the factory plastic upper cover to fit under the ECU required modification. I cut the front 3" off and mounted it just for a place to attach the little green glove box light. The rest of the cover would not fit without hitting the EMS. So I either had to cut the back of the glove box or what remained of the upper cover. I chose to cut the entire top off the upper cover and just leave the sides. This way I can always make a new cover out of a more flexible material and use the sides as a frame. I wedged the rear of the upper cover in the back and it snapped into place nicely. The installation of the glove box was a bit tricky. A lot of trial and error. First, the right stop-tab that protrudes from the side of the glove box had to be cut down about 1/2" so it wouldn't rub against the relocated ABS ECU. The wires for the EMS had to be repositioned to allow the glove box to close properly, as they were all bunched up on the upper right side. I had already extended the largest plug, (plug D), previously from when I was planning and locating the AEM EMS to under the passenger seat, so there was a good 12" of extra wire I had to find a place for. However, it allowed me to route the plugs for proper fitment. This extra length may have aided or hindered ease of install. I don't believe it will be needed for others to mount their ECU's the same way.

Now, on to the pics!






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Project OVERKILL!!!
Apr 10, 2005
Charleston, SC
I forgot to mention. I ran both the EMS and serial gauge cables through the radio area and out by the shifter, and out the passenger side of the center console. The both are plugged together in between the center console and passenger seat. Very easy to unplug then and run the needed plug to a laptop for tuning. I may even cut out the bottom of the coin tray and hide the plugs in there. For now tho, in between the passenget seat and arm rest is looking and working great!


New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Chesterfield, MO
I am trying to find a home for the GM monstosity that I am using. Right now I think it is going to live in the passenger foot well for awhile.

Good job on getting the AEM tucked away.


Project OVERKILL!!!
Apr 10, 2005
Charleston, SC
adampecush;1901317 said:
looks like v2 is a hell of a lot smaller than v1...damn you.

If you look at my sig, you'll see I'm actually using a v1. It was the last one that left AEM for an 89-92 Supra to my knowledge. I had to wait 2 weeks for them to find a box for it. It came in a v2 box with the v1 30-1130 sticker on the side. The sticker on the actual EMS says: v1 Rev.B Mod.C

It runs on AEM Pro, so it must be a v1. Not sure how many v1's left AEM in v2 bodies, but I've seen a few on here before so I know I'm not the only one who has one. I wonder if the hardware is any better than the previous models so I can actually use the knock function at a decent rpm.


A HG job took HOW long??
Mar 30, 2005
Victoria, BC, Canada
much better solution than my original mounting, which was taking a hole saw to the glove box and mounting the AEM in there. Now that I'm swapping the dash and associated parts, I'll try mounting up there like you have.


Project OVERKILL!!!
Apr 10, 2005
Charleston, SC
Mine is quiet. There are no moving parts in the EMS, so don't know why yours would be producing any sounds. Are you sure it's not rattling against something under the dash?
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New Member
Mar 19, 2009
Chapel Hill, NC
Could be but its kinda a buzzing sound.. Like when im driving and barely touching the throttle I hear the buzz and when I give it a bit more gas It goes away. Sounds like an electrical sound rather then something rubbing but who knows haha Just hoping somebody else had a similar scenario


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Chambers;1901293 said:
Awesome, I have been dealing with my 1UZ ECU floating in the glove box since I first did the swap. I just got a AEM unit and with any luck I can replicate what you have done!
Try using the old 7m ECU brackets. They swap right over, and you can mount your 1j ecu in exactly the same position as the 7m ECU. That's the bright idea I came up with when trying to mount my stock ECU, had a bit of a laugh when I realized it really was that simple. :)

To the OP, nice stuffing you've done there! Thanks for the reference thread.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Chambers;1902123 said:
I attempted that first, but there was no bolt in way. Plus, I have a extra 8 or so inches of harness to deal with, since the 1UZ ECU is mounted on the floor of the SC....
Ahh, I merely meant with the 7m/1j ECU, no idea on other engines. Is the ECU under the passenger seat on the SC? I've seen a few cars like that, old Miatas had them behind the passenger seat IIRC.


Now you know
Sep 9, 2007
Baltimore County, Maryland
I see! No its not that far into the cabin, its mounted where your feet would be, see the following:


Hmm... I just realized that is a different ECU than the one I have in my car... That’s definitely a SC, but that’s definitely not the same ECU...


New Member
Jun 2, 2011
Paris, France
Nice job and thanks for sharing but...

Have you fixed that:

And that:

(Perhaps you have just shared before finishing the installation, I'd so never mind)




Project OVERKILL!!!
Apr 10, 2005
Charleston, SC
What's there to fix?
I tucked the wires in the first pic up and to the right to clear the rear of the glove box. The last pic is just how it was left. Wires are out of the way and not touching the glove box at all. They can't even be seen unless you place your head on the seat and look in at a 45 degree angle.