A340E and HP questions!


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Read carefully Ric ;)

jdub said:
The plan is to use the latest version of the SupraStick standalone tranny computer...I need to talk to Garret about the ability to integrate with the AEM EMS.

I want to make sure...I know there are issues integrating the 1st ver SupraStick (it's a piggback) with the way the AEM outputs rpm/speed signals...it works fine with the stock ECU. I will thoroughly check things out before I buy ;)
Never said the SSV4 had issues with the AEM.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
nosechunks said:
from what i hear the tranny wants to be around 180 degrees and thats what i want my motor to be, so using the motor as a constant or almost constant 180 degrees as the last influence on the tranny fluid i believe it would regulate the temprature the best.

i see the radiator as a temprature regulator, if its too cold itll heat it up and if its too hot itll cool it down before it returns to the tranny. so by running it threw the external cooler first it removes all excess heat and gets the fluid to a temprature the radiator can deal with.

Thats why i set mine up to run threw the external cooler first.

maybe im just paranoid. lol i also plan to run 2 coolers. one for oil and one for tranny. both the same size and both as big as i can fit next to each other without overlap in front of the radiator, where the condenser used to be. then run a thermostat for even better regulation of temprature on both the oil and tranny fluid. i guess i am just paranoid....



^ thats what im doing, B&M makes the perfect cooler for it unfortunatly i couldnt find a different thermostat for it, it engages at 176F and turns off at 146F so the average temp in the tranny should be approximatly ~180F. Im hoping the fan will be strong enough to pull the incoming air down through the cooler and i can create a lower pressure area for the air to escape.

I too plan on running the external oil cooler before piping back into the radiator but im wondering about the temps in the radiator on a dyno when i tend to boil over.:icon_conf


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
i think it would be better to place them directly infront of the radiator, for my application its pretty big and open there because i took the a/c out. also the fan behind the radiator would also supply the coolers with constant airflow. i figure i could run a 10ish by 20ish where i want to for each. maybe a little smaller, never really looked into it becasue i didnt have the money and had other priorities. would you have airflow problems to that with the bumpercover and suport on? seems like it would be directly behind it.

also just because theres a thermostat doesnt mean it will regulate it like the radiator would. the thermostat in my eyes is only good for cold start because it will bypass the cooler till the fluid reaches operating temprature. Also with a thermostat the thermostat is before the cooler, so when the thermostat sees the fluid it might see it as 300 and full flow threw the cooler. it could go threw the cooler and come out at say 100 degrees (its really efficient) and that would be overcooling even though the thermostat is doing its job.

with the radiator bieng the last contact, the cooling systems last effort was to cool or heat the fluid to proper temp. the best way to regulate somethings temprature is by using something at desired temprature to influence it.


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
Your not as dumb as you look! Jk. Good info in here. Thanks for all the replies I guess, even tho some are not to me lol. And yes the regulation by environment is very very true. basic principal of chemistry (or for my purpose, making things that explode or burn in some way)