A question About people


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Rolla, Missouri
Why do people feel the need to steal? :3d_frown:, Are they too lazy to go out and make enough money to earn it themselves?? I can honestly say i've never stolen anything in my life. And never will. I dont believe in it. The reason im asking is. I got a very nice digital Camera for christmas from my dad. I was taking pictures of my supra and camaro to put on here and the camaro forum I'm a part of. And after I was done I put the camera in my car. Well I decided to keep it in there for a few days so if I saw something nice I could take a picture of it. I didnt leave it laying out in the open. I had it in the center console under a white plastic bag. I always Lock/arm my car. I dont trust people where I moved for tech school. So about 4 days later the memory card I bought for my camera came in ( so I could hold over 400 pictures) I go to get my camera. and it is nowhere to be found. But yet nobody took my flip out dvd which is just pushed in place for right now. and can just be pulled out. They didnt take my check book which was in the center console right by the camera, they didnt take the spare Greddy turbo timer I had in the glove box, or the extra boost gauge I had laying in the back seat, along with all my cds and tons of stuff. I would rather have the camera then that stuff. I don't know why people are like that. And how they got in my car w/o the alarm going off is beyond me. SOrry its been so long I just needed to rant a little!!!!

Cliff Notes: Why do people steal?
Got a nice digital camera from my dad for christmas
Was stolen out of my car
Left alot of other valuable stuff there?!?!?!?


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
suprabad;1227974 said:
Moral of the story:

Don't leave valuable stuff laying around.

Most people are honest, but it only takes one thief to ruin your day.


There are worse feelings, but when you finally buy that dream vehicle( Red 4x 4 Nissan SEv6) and it gets stollen it's similiar to a kick in the gut...its kinda like why even bother.

Or when its a beautiful day and you are at the course going to have a great afternoon golfing...you come out and f....!!! some bastard has stolen your clubs.

Or when the family gets home from a weekend camping trip and your house has been broken into and vandalized...all your personal stuff gone through.

Yes all those have happened to me. I don't know why some people are just wired wrong I suppose.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
I dont think this belongs in MKIII Discussion, more of a off topic thread ;)

But is sounds more like a opps I miss placed my camera, or my friend decided to use it without asking me, then someone breaking in and stealing just the camera. There was other things that would have been stolen also that were more "smash and grab" items in plain sight that a thief would have also removed from your car.


Jul 21, 2008
when i was in 9th grade i perposely stole a cd player from the kid sitting in front of me from his back pack when he went to the bathroom.even though i had one in my back pack 10x's better then his. i guess i did it to get back at him for not letting me see his answers.lol

and i dont feel guilty iam glad cause i still have it today.:sarcasm:
but does that make me a bad person?idk i dont think so


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
A lot of it has to do with basic morality and (generally speaking) the younger people are the less of it they have, something that's amply demonstrated everyday on this forum.

And for the guy above, not only do you suck as a person but you're also not very bright...


Jul 21, 2008
i would steal ur cd player too.lol and i knew some one would say "oh ur also not very bright"haha you dont know me foooo but thats ok think what you want. ahhhhh come on people your all softy's.iam sure everyone did carp like this.and i did worse but guess what? now that iam graduated and got a good job and grow up some more now since iam in the real world i dont think like i used too.ya know what iam talking about


topless and blown
Mar 30, 2005
Western Maryland
i agree young people give...well young people a bad name, but it's where they get their morals from that is to blame[or where they didn't get them]

young people are impressionable....the younger the easier they are to mold..... so young and even younger people that are rude....i look to the parents!!

as people get older 'rude' or not you start forming your own opinions and veiws of the world and the others in it. once you mature [and i use the word loosely] to a certain point thats it you are who you are because thats who you want to be.....period



Enough is Never Enough
Jan 9, 2008
Houston, TX
maac0953;1228043 said:
when i was in 9th grade i perposely stole a cd player from the kid sitting in front of me from his back pack when he went to the bathroom.even though i had one in my back pack 10x's better then his. i guess i did it to get back at him for not letting me see his answers.lol

and i dont feel guilty iam glad cause i still have it today.:sarcasm:
but does that make me a bad person?idk i dont think so

Congratulations! You hit the trifecta!

Thanks for the glimpse into your ethics, character, and conscience...





I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
maac0953;1228043 said:
when i was in 9th grade i perposely stole a cd player from the kid sitting in front of me from his back pack when he went to the bathroom.even though i had one in my back pack 10x's better then his. i guess i did it to get back at him for not letting me see his answers.lol

and i dont feel guilty iam glad cause i still have it today.:sarcasm:
but does that make me a bad person?idk i dont think so

Stealing is stealing, plain and simple. Even if it is the smallest thing.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Everyone steals. I can prove that everyone will eventually in their lifetime.

Has anyone in here who has worked at one place for an extended period of time gone straight to work the second they get there? If so good for you, your a good worker. If you haven't but you still get the job done, you are a good worker too. The only difference is you stole from your company. If you are on the "clock" and you are not working, that my friend is stealing.


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Rolla, Missouri
BUt if you still have your job they are "giving" it too you... Dont take offence but I think it could go both ways. So if I spank a vette on the highway when his girlfriend is with him, am I stealing his ego???

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
When my friend's MR2 was stolen, they were kind enough to steal all the CD's out of it.

They did leave us some cassette tapes and an extra set of booster cables though.




Jan 22, 2006
East Coast
maac0953;1228043 said:
when i was in 9th grade i perposely stole a cd player from the kid sitting in front of me from his back pack when he went to the bathroom.even though i had one in my back pack 10x's better then his. i guess i did it to get back at him for not letting me see his answers.lol

and i dont feel guilty iam glad cause i still have it today.:sarcasm:
but does that make me a bad person?idk i dont think so

^^ That guy probably stole your camera...:biglaugh:


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Sounds to me like you misplaced the camera.

No thief would get into a car and leave all that other valuable stuff.

Just be thankful you haven't had your beloved Supra stolen, along with everything in it except for the seats!
Last edited:

toy fanatic78

addicted to toy's
Oct 17, 2008
LilMissMkIII;1228374 said:
No thief would get into a car and levae all that other valuable stuff.

You would be surprised.My first supra had the cd player stolen(left the sunroof open when I went in wal mart),yet they left $300 in a bank envelope in my glove compartment.My pheonix was broken into,took the cd player,yet left the face for it on the floor under the seat,took my jacket and a stocking cap,yet left $2000+ worth of paint guns and other tools in the pass seat.My mk3 was stolen and they took a $12 tool set out of the glove compartment,and destroyed my cd player trying to get it out,yet left money in the console,camcorder in the backseat, and left the car 2 miles down the road(yeah,that was worth hotwiring and stealing the whole car.)
Bottom line is,thieves suck,but thankfully most of them aren't smart enough to take the more valuable items from the cars,just what is within reach at that moment.