A question About people

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
LilMissMkIII;1228374 said:
No thief would get into a car and leave all that other valuable stuff.

I don't think I've ever seen a car broken into where the thief actually stole all the valuables, in fact, thieves rarely know what is most valuable, and often times leave it.

I've seen it happen more times than not, a thief leaves behind easily stolen, expensive items in favour of just one or two things.



I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
This one time i parked my supra in downtown toronto, went to a pub for a friends birthday, and then at the end of the night went home.
I got into my car, started it and drove back home. Half an hour later on the Don Valley Parkway, i thought to myself "what the fuck, why is it so quiet in here?"

I look down and notice that my cd deck was gone. It was a 100 dollar mp3 deck i got from a police auction, so i didn't really care. The next morning i checked if anything was damaged breaking in, and nothing was except for my interior trim. The radio harness was ripped but i didn't think much of it either.

But what really set me off was those asshole thiefs didn't take my cd's with the deck. I mean what, is my music not good enough for you to listen to it.
Thieves, honestly.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Most people are honest but given the oppurtunity temptation can get the best of a lot of people. Theft isnt a new crime but it's gotten much more popular, bad times make it worse but a lot of it comes from the instant gratification mentality so many small minded people seem to have.


Oct 11, 2007
Kids at my highschool used to steal stuff from the local grocery store like nothing, and they would brag about it. Hell, half the kids that stole stuff had parents that would pay for their food things etc but they still stole. Something about it that gets people going i guess.


I Hate Godzilla Too!!!!
May 15, 2008
Indianapolis, Indiana
ugg... just last night someone tried to break into my supra.... used a pry bar or screw driver to pry the bottom of the pass door handle up.... they then failed and never got in... but im so pissed now... thank god i got FULL coverage on my 88t and insurance is paying to get it all fixed..... when they pryed on the door it bent the metal around the handle housing.... and just makes me so mad because the paint on my car was almost perfect... and now its all down the drain for now...:icon_evil


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
maac0953;1228043 said:
when i was in 9th grade i perposely stole a cd player from the kid sitting in front of me from his back pack when he went to the bathroom.even though i had one in my back pack 10x's better then his. i guess i did it to get back at him for not letting me see his answers.lol

and i dont feel guilty iam glad cause i still have it today.:sarcasm:
but does that make me a bad person?idk i dont think so
No it makes you a little rat bitch that needs some attitude adjustment.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
Thieves are among the scum of our Earth.

The mentality which allows one to steal without remorse is something horrible.

In my mind theft is not far from abuse, rape, random assault, etc...

Thieves, go fuck yourself.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
I suppose there's a few different kinds of thieves around.

But, when it boils down to it, the only consistency I can draw across the board is that thieves think the world, or people in it, owes them something and they shouldn't have to do any real, honest hard work to earn it. That said, those that steal to make a living tend to believe that they do not possess any other skills and abilities that would otherwise give them the same quality of life they get from stealing.

Some believe that honesty is for chumps and that society and the good people in it exist only for them to prey upon (I think this is a false sense of self-worth as to thinking of themselves as 'the wolves' and everyone else 'the sheep', imply a position of power they have over us).

But, when we consider the value a career thief has to offer society, we find them coming up substantially short. Imagine if every career thief dropped dead where he stood, what would society lose? A few mouths to feed? Last I checked, they didn't pay income tax? Now, imagine the reverse... the honest people thieves steal from all dropped dead where they stood. Well, I don't think the remaining people would last long. An extreme example, most definitely, but I think it illustrates their role in society: parasites and pests. No better than the squished cockroach under my boot.

Unfortunately it's not so black and white... there are people who have weak moments and take advantage of an opprotunity to better themselves with other people's possessions. We all probably know a few of these people, probably on different scales... regardless of just how small or large their crimes are, it's still a crime, still taking advantage of others and stealing from them. And it's wrong.


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
maac0953;1228055 said:
now that iam graduated and got a good job and grow up some more now since iam in the real world i dont think like i used too.

where did you graduate from? i think you owe some tax payers a refund.

back ot, i cant stand a thief. it sucks that there are lazy useless people out there that would rather take your stuff than work for it and earn it.

my dad said when he was a kid that his house got broken into 3 times. they finally quit locking the door b/c they got tired of replacing broken windows.


Jul 21, 2008
well iam a pressman apprentice in the printing trade and in that trade you cant slack off like office bums that sit on your ass all day.and big deal i stole a cd player.whoohooo.iam going to hell for this one guys.oh ya i know each and every one of you stole somthing more then once but iam the only one hear that omitted it. and all you guys saying "oh our younger generation is bad"blablabla.whatever. my brother and sister are 27and 29 and i heard how crazy it was back in the 90's when they were in highschool so thats probably your guys era.idk


Formerly almaj2006
Feb 3, 2006
Northern Virginia
maac0953;1229851 said:
well iam a pressman apprentice in the printing trade and in that trade you cant slack off like office bums that sit on your ass all day.and big deal i stole a cd player.whoohooo.iam going to hell for this one guys.oh ya i know each and every one of you stole somthing more then once but iam the only one hear that omitted it. and all you guys saying "oh our younger generation is bad"blablabla.whatever. my brother and sister are 27and 29 and i heard how crazy it was back in the 90's when they were in highschool so thats probably your guys era.idk
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that a high school graduate would type the way you do. What does that tell us about the school system? In any event, I've never stolen anything in my life. I was brought up with something called morals. It's amazing what good parenting can do. :biglaugh:
Dec 3, 2003
maac0953;1228043 said:
when i was in 9th grade i perposely stole a cd player from the kid sitting in front of me from his back pack when he went to the bathroom.even though i had one in my back pack 10x's better then his. i guess i did it to get back at him for not letting me see his answers.lol

and i dont feel guilty iam glad cause i still have it today.:sarcasm:
but does that make me a bad person?idk i dont think so

IJ.;1228687 said:
No it makes you a little rat bitch that needs some attitude adjustment.



New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Rolla, Missouri
OOoo what have I started

maac0953;1229851 said:
well iam a pressman apprentice in the printing trade and in that trade you cant slack off like office bums that sit on your ass all day.and big deal i stole a cd player.whoohooo.iam going to hell for this one guys.oh ya i know each and every one of you stole somthing more then once but iam the only one hear that omitted it. and all you guys saying "oh our younger generation is bad"blablabla.whatever. my brother and sister are 27and 29 and i heard how crazy it was back in the 90's when they were in highschool so thats probably your guys era.idk

hehehe I had to do this. HOW YOU WOULD CORRECTLY SAY THIS! Well I am a pressman's apprentice in the printing industry. In this Industry you can't slack off like office bums that sit on their ass all day. Oh yea, I know each and every one of you stole something more than once. But, I am the only one here that will admit to it? All you guys saying, " Oh, our younger generation is bad." Whatever! My brother is 27 and my sister is 29. I heard how crazy it was back when they were in school in the 1990's. So that is probably your guys' era. I dont know.
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Enough is Never Enough
Jan 9, 2008
Houston, TX
Either there is a troll amongst us, or there is very little hope. And DANG! I was soooo full of hope just the day before yesterday. Note to self, don't buy parts from a certain individual on this thread. I "omit", I wish this thread could "admitted".


Man up, Nancy.
May 8, 2008
DFW, texas
In my experience, thieves are generally stupid individuals. One night about 8 months or so ago, I accidentally left our garage door open. I went out the next morning to my truck (before I got my supra) to find my glovebox open and papers and napkins everywhere. Same with my mom's car. Someone had just walked in overnight, and found both cars unlocked. Turns out that they took my 20 dollar walmart pocketknife and 15 dollar walkie-talkie from my glovebox, but left my new Ipod Nano sitting in the open compartment under my stereo (still obviously connected to the stereo with a cord). All they took out of my mom's car was a 15 CD book filled with Christian praise and worship CD's. None of my nice tools were missing out of the garage either. We went ahead and filed a police report, not because I wanted my stuff back, I really didn't care about that, I just wanted him to get whats coming to him if he ever got caught.

Hell, I would have given the Ipod to see the look on his face when he listened to the CD's he got from my mom's car!