7mgte swap?


New Member
Dec 5, 2006
i didnt know where to post this, in here or in the 7mgte section but i chose this one, i have the 7mge motor, it has 232k miles on it, i just had to replace the tranny, auto, and now im debating on something, weather to keep this car and do a motor swap to the 7mgte or ditch the car, even though i love it, for a 240, i was wondering how hard of a swap this is, how much for mounts and stuff like that, any little bit of information is helpful. i am new to motor swaps, have friends that have done them but ive never done one, just wanna find out what everyone thinks about this subject, thanks


87T Supra
Nov 18, 2006
Lake County, IL
I would say go for it and change it to a Turbo. I did know somethings about mechanics but I changed my first motor on my 87 Turbo and once you start to take everything apart you get the hang of it and also if you have a TSRM it would also make it a bit easier to work on.


Feb 24, 2007
The 240 is a nice and easy....but the engine, If you wanna go sr20, is quite expensive..well Nissan in general...Now the supras are gonna be a little more on the complicated side, since they use a few vacuum set-ups, they have 2 more cylinders, and the intake wraps around half of everything needed to run the car lol...........The toyota parts are easier to find and are just as common, but not as popular....so they are cheaper....You could go 1jz, which i here is a common swap......me on the other hand...i just rebuilt my na motor and did some modifications....to make it last me a good while :]


New Member
Dec 5, 2006
BlackDynamite said:
The 240 is a nice and easy....but the engine, If you wanna go sr20, is quite expensive..well Nissan in general...Now the supras are gonna be a little more on the complicated side, since they use a few vacuum set-ups, they have 2 more cylinders, and the intake wraps around half of everything needed to run the car lol...........The toyota parts are easier to find and are just as common, but not as popular....so they are cheaper....You could go 1jz, which i here is a common swap......me on the other hand...i just rebuilt my na motor and did some modifications....to make it last me a good while :]

im not quite the car expert so i dont think i could rebuild my NA, on the other hand if i was to go 240 id get an rb20 and i have a friend that would help me and knows how to do it, i am really stuck between a rock and a hard place.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Personaly I like to stick with what I already have and make it better. I know whats wrong with my car and I know whats good on it. Id never want to start over and have to find out whats good/bad on another car lol.

You already have the supra, youd have to try and sell it then find the other car. Im not sure about your transportation or money situation. If you need a car and cant buy the other while having your supra that would be a serious timing issue. I dont know how fast an NA supra would sell and get a fair price. You might sell the supra then be stuck hunting for the right car to replace it.

If you can afford to buy the other car while keeping the supra, you should just do the motor swap. Resale of a turbo supra will be better, plus you might even like it once its turbo.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
Whoa Whoa Whoa.

Let me get this straight. You don't think you can re-build your n/a.
How are you going to rebuild the gte engine?

There are no plug and play options. You have enough miles on that engine that it's time to swap if you want to keep it. You just won't find an engine that is not in need of a rebuild Unless you know explicitly that it has been built and dyno'd.

If not and you stick it in. Big plethera of multitask headaches down the path, to just keep the thing on the road. New hoses, lines, gaskets, seals, bolts, nuts, everything.

So what you are looking for is an engine that is a plausible candidate for a rebuild and straight swap.

I'm not trying to be mean and anyone can chime in if you feel differently. There is no safe plug and play option that will not cost you all of the money for the initial re-build sooner or later.

Do it right off and work it out and you should have something that you can tool around in. For a while. You want to make everything as new as possible and then you can work those gremlins out. You're waisting your time, IMO, doing it any other way.

Unless you rebuild what you have and your stocker has seen better days dude. It's a core.

And yes, these are just my opinions and there is a reason they are free.


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
i think you should keep the supra and do the swap. im in the process of getting all the parts i need to drop a turbo motor in place of my NA. its taking a while to get all the parts since im a broke college student but i love supras and wouldnt want anything else. this is my first swap so i dont expect everything to go smoothly, like today i took my block in for machining and i found out the cylinder walls are too screwed up to work with. so your gonna get stuck sometimes no matter what kinda car you have. so i say go for it. :icon_bigg

where in GA are you? i live around the Macon area


New Member
Dec 5, 2006
natedogr said:
i think you should keep the supra and do the swap. im in the process of getting all the parts i need to drop a turbo motor in place of my NA. its taking a while to get all the parts since im a broke college student but i love supras and wouldnt want anything else. this is my first swap so i dont expect everything to go smoothly, like today i took my block in for machining and i found out the cylinder walls are too screwed up to work with. so your gonna get stuck sometimes no matter what kinda car you have. so i say go for it. :icon_bigg

where in GA are you? i live around the Macon area

i live in augusta, i think i have decided to keep my supra and just do the swap. i have a few people that can help me with it so i think ill be fine with getting it in. i have a shop to work on it and i have transportation while its in the shop. its been down for about 3 or 4 months now. i think i am going to get the 7mgte or maybe a 1jz from JHOT imports. ive heard alot of good stuff about them.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
If jhot sells jdm all of the good things you have heard are propaganda.

It's rare anyone says anything good about jdm. The 1jz is a completely different story from the 7m series. Not near the problems.

You also have to realize that this isn't a ford or a chevy and if your mechanics aren't related to supras you will more than likely get a half ass'd job that you end up having problems with.

If you do not do this build you will be stuck in a cycle of always taking it to a shop to be fixed and you don't learn dick.

You probably should have got a new honda. A shop, hmmmmph. I'm not sure you should be allowed to have a supra. You may be a supra poser.

Fix it yourself. I mean you have a shop. Why are you here??? Call them.


New Member
Dec 5, 2006
supramacist said:
If jhot sells jdm all of the good things you have heard are propaganda.

It's rare anyone says anything good about jdm. The 1jz is a completely different story from the 7m series. Not near the problems.

You also have to realize that this isn't a ford or a chevy and if your mechanics aren't related to supras you will more than likely get a half ass'd job that you end up having problems with.

If you do not do this build you will be stuck in a cycle of always taking it to a shop to be fixed and you don't learn dick.

You probably should have got a new honda. A shop, hmmmmph. I'm not sure you should be allowed to have a supra. You may be a supra poser.

Fix it yourself. I mean you have a shop. Why are you here??? Call them.

what the hell do you mean im a supra poser? ive only had it for not even a year and all ive been doing is reading forums and stuff trying to learn everything i can about them. no im not an expert on supras by no means. im a noob rite now trying to learn some stuff and get opinions from people and then people like you hate on the new people.
MK3head6789 said:
what the hell do you mean im a supra poser? ive only had it for not even a year and all ive been doing is reading forums and stuff trying to learn everything i can about them. no im not an expert on supras by no means. im a noob rite now trying to learn some stuff and get opinions from people and then people like you hate on the new people.

you're right man ... thats what a forum is good for ... learning things...


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
Okay, after reading this thread, Ive decided to chime in. About 4 months ago, I completed my swap(from ge to gte). Well worth it.....but I didnt rebuild it while it was out of the car. It was a jdm motor and they say "less than 30k miles" and I trusted that it would be a strong motor. I drove it for a month before tearing it down ago and now Im rebuilding with wiseco pistons and eagle rods and numerous other goodies....the point Im trying to make is that dont rush this swap, do it right the first time. If you get the 7mgte with +200k miles, rebuild it before you put it into your car....even if you rebuild it stock you would have something 10x more reliable than what youre starting with.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
I'm not hating on anyone. I was simply blatantly honest.

I was giving you golden nuggets of truth and you didn't want to have to work for them.

That's NOT.. What forums are for.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
Tell us the 3 main socket sizes you will be using to work on the car.

Be honest. Don't go look.

The largest number of us here work on our own wheels. We had to learn things the hard way.

Buck up nancy before your car hands you your a$$.

Doing what you are talking about is going to be a defining moment in your life.
I mean wouldn't you want to define that instead of being defined by it.
Last edited:
supramacist said:
Tell us the 3 main socket sizes you will be using to work on the car.

Be honest. Don't go look.

The largest number of us here work on our own wheels. We had to learn things the hard way.

Buck up nancy before your car hands you your a$$.

Doing what you are talking about is going to be a defining moment in your life.
I mean wouldn't you want to define that instead of being defined by it.

come on ... why should he have a hard time when it will be easier with the help of the forum? ... damn...

10-12-14 if you're happy then ... tz


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Supramacist, keep in mind that everyone starts somewhere. If he wants to learn to be a nuclear service technician by banging around in warheads with a hammer and randomly shutting off coolant lines in a power plant, well, let him. :evil5:

MK3head6789, there are definitely easier and cheaper cars to work on and upgrade. However, if you decide you want to keep the Supra, I would recommend that you spend a good amount of time reading through the forum and the threads stickied at the top of the N/A section. Look up EVERYTHING you don't quite understand here in the forums and in the TSRM: http://www.cygnusx1.net/Supra/Library/TSRM/MK3/ There's a great deal of information regarding swaps and conversions on this forum. Unfortunately, the information you'll need is abundant enough that a simple recap wouldn't serve you well.

Then, when you're ready and if you've decided to stick with a swap, get the engine and rebuild it.... or at least tear it apart and inspect everything.

Matce, wie geht's, Österreicher?


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Also, if you plan to stick with the supra. I would give up the idea of letting a shop do Anything. For the money you spend on labor you can buy ALOT of parts. Just read and be willling to learn as much as you can. Your supra will spend alot of time up on jack stands too prolly lol.


New Member
Dec 5, 2006
iwannadie said:
Also, if you plan to stick with the supra. I would give up the idea of letting a shop do Anything. For the money you spend on labor you can buy ALOT of parts. Just read and be willling to learn as much as you can. Your supra will spend alot of time up on jack stands too prolly lol.

im not letting a shop do any work, i have a shop that i can work on my car in. i cant work on my car in my front yard, soft dirt no level land.... i am still debating about sticking with my car or not.