7mgte swap?


Feb 24, 2007
Well i rebuilt my motor......Check my sig...it should help you out.....it wasn't that hard....you could do it in 2 weeks at a steady pace....the only part i had a problem with is i ordered some higher performance parts, so it was a extra failsafe but took a long ass time to get them....metal head gasket, oil pump etc.....but check it out...it will give you at least some type of guide with pictures...


The Asshole
Jun 22, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
supramacist said:
Tell us the 3 main socket sizes you will be using to work on the car.

Be honest. Don't go look.

The largest number of us here work on our own wheels. We had to learn things the hard way.

Buck up nancy before your car hands you your a$$.

Doing what you are talking about is going to be a defining moment in your life.
I mean wouldn't you want to define that instead of being defined by it.
10mm 12mm 13mm


The Asshole
Jun 22, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
supramacist said:
If jhot sells jdm all of the good things you have heard are propaganda.

It's rare anyone says anything good about jdm. The 1jz is a completely different story from the 7m series. Not near the problems.

You also have to realize that this isn't a ford or a chevy and if your mechanics aren't related to supras you will more than likely get a half ass'd job that you end up having problems with.

If you do not do this build you will be stuck in a cycle of always taking it to a shop to be fixed and you don't learn dick.

You probably should have got a new honda. A shop, hmmmmph. I'm not sure you should be allowed to have a supra. You may be a supra poser.

Fix it yourself. I mean you have a shop. Why are you here??? Call them.

That is Simply rude as hell, but ya go ahead and diss me and my 30 s0me odd posts like that has any baring on any thing that i say