the key is do it right the first time, and you wont have to do it again.
i just happened to rebuild my motor 3 times..
first one cost me 1200, second time i spent 1500, and the third time was close to 1400,
the first time i re-ringed, bought a mhg, arp every thing, and have every thign balenced,
second time re-ringed, knife edged, cleaned up the rod's had the crank machined, rods resized, flywheel balanced, (auto/5sp swap

i rebuild the second time due to knock, i made a mistake with a hammer and my rod bolts,
third rebuild was do to a noise i couldn't pin point, i replaced all the pistons bored, and made sure every thing was spec, had the crank gone over with a mic and all measurements writen done.
it looked good,
turned out i had a loose bracket makin noise.
sad thing is, each time i had the motor apart i found more things to spend money on.
long story short.. it's cheaper to do it right the first time..