The L1,L2,L3 outputs are a 3 bit digitization of the first derivative of the throttle position. The code calculates the difference between the instantaneous throttle position and a running average position, and then uses a lookup table based on this value to select the L1/L2/L3 bits. There is a peak hold feature too, so when you punch the throttle the value is held even after the throttle position stops changing.
You will note from the table that the peak value (assuming Lx represents a number) occurs for not the most aggressive throttle opening, but something backed off from there. Its a bit of a puzzle.
The lookup table data is as follows:
Map_ECT_TPS2: .db 00h ; 000x only interested in value of bits 1,2,3 (L1, L2, L3)
ROM:EE18 .db 08h ; 100x
ROM:EE19 .db 0Ch ; 110x
ROM:EE1A .db 04h ; 010x
ROM:EE1B .db 06h ; 011x
ROM:EE1C .db 0Eh ; 111x
ROM:EE1D .db 0Ah ; 101x
ROM:EE1E .db 02h ; 001x
It would be good to have some measured data to compare with, something I have not done.