I just finished my ignition control box for the engine Start/Stop Push button. I wanted an acronym for it, but wasn't sure what to use. I just thought since Toyota uses their name in acronyms such as TEMS, Toyota Electronically Modulated Suspension, I figured I could use my name in it as well.
I asked my wife what I should call it to which she replied - well what does it do? I said that it was for my ignition. So she says name it MIB - Miguel's Ignition Box! hahahahhaha. I couldn't stop laughing for a minute! LOL.
Anyways, enough typing...here are a pic.
This is a direct Plug-n-Play device I made and replaces the key cylinder switch. This device will work along with my alarm system, so no keys at all. I tested it and short of starting the engine (which there isn't one at the moment) it worked perfectly.
Now however, I have a problem with my headlights. They aren't working properly. They aren't synchronized with each other and aren't opening or closing where they should be. I'll have to check TSRM unless someone knows what the issue is - If so, let me know please.