Hi all,
I'm having some issues with my 1UZ. Recently its becoming more freaquent, happening between normal shifts, and free revs. Most of the time when I'm cruising and do a WOT jab the engine lags, then starts reving. You can clearly hear the intake "chunk" air then it starts to rev. Sometimes it will studder and shake during the WOT jab, its laggy and doesnt rev properly. During free rev its slow and sounds like a miss. I have a video here of a 5th gear WOT jab, its difficult but you can hear the popping and studdering. I have had it backfire once by giving a few WOT jabs in sucession.
I just replaced the fuel pump with a Walbro and replaced the fuel filter, so I know I'm getting fuel to the rail. I replaced the coils, plug wires, and plugs about 1000 miles ago because of this issue. I havent tested fuel pressure or AFRs yet. I have also swapped the AFM with a known working one, also have swapped and tested the TPS. The only things I havent replaced are the ECU and Ignighters.
The plugs all look the same, slightly white on the ground, electrode looks clean, soot on the rim of the threads, photos below:
Cyl 1:
Cyl 2:
Cyl 3:
Cyl 4:
Cyl 5:
Cyl 6:
Cyl 7:
Cyl 8:
I did a compression test Monday night, here are the results:
I'm having some issues with my 1UZ. Recently its becoming more freaquent, happening between normal shifts, and free revs. Most of the time when I'm cruising and do a WOT jab the engine lags, then starts reving. You can clearly hear the intake "chunk" air then it starts to rev. Sometimes it will studder and shake during the WOT jab, its laggy and doesnt rev properly. During free rev its slow and sounds like a miss. I have a video here of a 5th gear WOT jab, its difficult but you can hear the popping and studdering. I have had it backfire once by giving a few WOT jabs in sucession.
I just replaced the fuel pump with a Walbro and replaced the fuel filter, so I know I'm getting fuel to the rail. I replaced the coils, plug wires, and plugs about 1000 miles ago because of this issue. I havent tested fuel pressure or AFRs yet. I have also swapped the AFM with a known working one, also have swapped and tested the TPS. The only things I havent replaced are the ECU and Ignighters.
The plugs all look the same, slightly white on the ground, electrode looks clean, soot on the rim of the threads, photos below:
Cyl 1:

Cyl 2:

Cyl 3:

Cyl 4:

Cyl 5:

Cyl 6:

Cyl 7:

Cyl 8:

I did a compression test Monday night, here are the results: