1jz on its way!!!!!


New Member
Aug 16, 2012
IBoughtASupra;1880126 said:
You must be new here....

I don't know what I am talking about.


I mean no disrespect my friend, just merely asking a question. The op was asking about the swap and stock turbos got brought up. Conversations continued; what do you expect when making a statement like that? Smart assness ensues. That's what the Internet is for right?

I am new, but have lurked enough to recognize your name, know that you offer parts, and contribute to the forum. But you do have a tendency of taking things to an extreme.

No reason for salt, I'm just being the new guy. No hard feelings or forum flexed nuts.

Have a good evening and keep supporting everything Supra.



Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
marks332;1880201 said:
you guys are amazing!! all the comments godo or bad are helping so much. so i guess a few of you know. i dont have the car im just getting info for my dad who has the car. He works at a dealership which is where the engine will be installed at. the actual engine wont be getting installed untill around thangsgiving. so we have a while. and from what i just read we need to use that time to fix/exchange all the things that would be a pain to get once its in. so on that note. can yall tell me things (besides going single) just in general i should do before the motors gets installed? thanks yall are awesome as shit. i am currently making a video on the project and once the engine is installed i will throw it on youtuge and post the link on this thread. thanks

If it was me, I would do all seals, gaskets, timing belt and tensioner, and check the head really closely. I have never looked at doing a leakdown test on an engine outside a vehicle, but at the very least start with a compression test. Any parts removed look at very carefully for any corrosion signs. You don't want to crack the head off to check the headgasket unless you have to. Some probably would do the head gasket just because its easier outside, but it involves lapping the block to do it properly. Generally a lot if work.
I'm not a mechanic but have thought about doing the same as you are... And that is the minimum I would do. Either way... Your gonna have a sweet ride.


Mar 21, 2012
Turbo Habanero;1879101 said:
Single Turbo > Twin Turbo Power making wise... Think of every 1000whp 2JZ you see always Single Turbo
IIRC all those 1000whp 2JZ's are stroked to a 3.4L engine and even if they werent they still would have a 0.5L displacement advantage over the 1JZ at stock.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
Maple191;1880277 said:
IIRC all those 1000whp 2JZ's are stroked to a 3.4L engine and even if they werent they still would have a 0.5L displacement advantage over the 1JZ at stock.

Nope. Sharkey made 1284 all boost on a 10:1 3.0L 2JZ. Multiple people have made it to 1000 and past it on the 3.0L with the addition of Billet mains and newer technology on the EFI side within the past few years.

Turbo Habanero

New Member
Apr 28, 2009
Maple191;1880277 said:
IIRC all those 1000whp 2JZ's are stroked to a 3.4L engine and even if they werent they still would have a 0.5L displacement advantage over the 1JZ at stock.

But guess what they are still single turbo... There was a point to make that Single turbo is better for big hp and in my OPINION better over all

Maple191;1880280 said:
Also Twins are not an outdated design look at BMW theyre using them now in theyre cars.

I'm saying that the 1JZ turbo's are outdated tech they are 20+ years old now have Toyota build you a twin setup for the engine specifically today do you think they would be exactly the same ? Just in case you don't know the Answer its NO.. Because they are outdated and newer smarter technology is out there..

Hell if they did it today it more then likely would come single turbo from factory take the 1JZ-GTE VVTI (3rd and last gen 1JZ) for example made in 1997 and it comes single turbo..


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Notsafe1jz;1880096 said:
Well maybe I should have chose my wording more carefully. Depending on how quickly it eats the seals, you could consume oil at an alarming rate. That mixed with negligence, running it low on oil could result in... Well I don't have to tell you.
Definitely don't need to tell me, running low on oil is why my 7m finally kicked the bucket.

Note to the OP, the owners manual will suggest running 5.5 quarts with a filter change. I run (along with several of the old timers on here with WAY more experience with these cars than I have) 6.5 quarts. Leaves my dipstick about a quart past the 'full' mark. Some engines, this would be a bad idea, but on our engines, it is cheap insurance, PARTICULARLY if you have a large oil cooler. Speaking of oils and lubricants, have you read that sub-section of the forum yet? ;)

Grandavi;1880164 said:
Its funny how people dont talk about those front clips and salt...
If it is from Japan.. its salt soaked. (almost always) There is no way to get around it as they come via ship and they sit sometimes for years. Super simple to refresh an engine out of a car.. in the car? not so much.
You know, my engine sat in Georgia (bought it from JHOT, unfortunately went out of business), I don't know if they cleaned up the engine, or if someone else did before they got it, but there really wasn't that much salt residue on the thing. I fully expected to at least have to clean up the intake manifold and any other aluminum parts, but I don't remember needing to do so...

You said it though. ALWAYS, always replace parts that could go bad, when it is easiest to do it. OP, this means ANYTHING rubber in the engine, replace it. My recommendation, replace all the rubber hoses you can with silicone. The stuff holds up so much better...

marks332;1880239 said:
can i hook you up with parts? and who is andy?
Andy = iboughtasupra ;)

Grandavi;1880244 said:
You don't want to crack the head off to check the headgasket unless you have to. Some probably would do the head gasket just because its easier outside, but it involves lapping the block to do it properly. Generally a lot if work.
1jz's have metal head gaskets from the factory, so unless the previous owner annealed the crap out of the head, you should be fine...

Maple191;1880280 said:
Also Twins are not an outdated design look at BMW theyre using them now in theyre cars.
Hooray, Bavaria has vinally kot up vit ze teknology zat Toyota has!

Joking aside, when I first read about BMW's new 3.0 twin turbo I6, producing 320hp/320tq, I thought to myself, "gee... that sounds familiar." :p


Active Member
May 19, 2010
My engine importer told me it had 35K on it "absolutely, because we buy them as whole cars in Japan at auctions and then we part the cars out and ship the stuff over in containers". So he assured me it had the mileage that he said it had.

Then when I got it, installed it, and ran it.... after a month my water pump bearings died, my rear turbo was smoking, and my valve stem seals cracked and fell off the guides and were smoking, and my coil packs misfired from cracks. From what I've read that's all common things to die on a JZ engine with about 120,000 miles on it. So don't believe the mileage an importer tells you unless you bought a whole clip with the dash and odometer still intact (even then, tampering isn't out of the question).

So in addition to the turbos, you should also do a water pump and valve stem seals. They are both the same as a 93-98' Supra. You have to get the whole pump though if your motor has the water pump meant to go with the hydraulic fan.

You could let the stuff go and see what happens too, since none of it is really hard to change in the chassis if you have a lift and decent tools. Most of the people who complain about how hard the stock turbos are to remove are doing it laying on their back, which is probably not fun.


New Member
Mar 12, 2012
Yorktown, VA
alright guys, the supra is done. not yet out of the shop, but done. mechanically its complete. the mechanic ran into one main problem being the engine was RHD, he had to extend the harness himself. that took a while but like i said now its done and only issue is some wires arent catching so igniters and fuel pump isnt getting power so no start up yet. but this saturday should be the moment of truth. unfortunately, when it comes to the engine itself, my padre and i dont have the money to do all the neccessary things you all recommended. i know you guys might not like this but its what we had to do. But beyond that everything is new, obviously. basically everything on the 1jz/2jz swap list on this forum we got. that was our bible throughout this whole thing... this swap has taken upwards of 5 months due to the mechanic only having 2 days a week to work on it, plus waiting on parts to come in, as well as every little snag that came up on the way. so we were ready for it to me done due to being low on funds and because we are tired of waiting. but we are glad its practically finished. the mechanic knows what he's doing so that's what is keeping us excited cause we know to expect a well running car. so like i said saturday should be when we hear from him about the wire issue. if its fixed then were gunna start her up and fix any bugs that need to be fixed and we should be ready to take her home by next weekend. than after that it'll be ramen noodles and faucet water for a few months to get the wallet healthy again. you guys have been a great help.. i cant wait to hear it, ive never been more excited about anything. all 6 of these months has been pure excitment haha


Active Member
Feb 6, 2012
Houston, TX
Where does everyone buy their 1jzgte vvti motors from? It's difficult to find a trustworthy place and even more difficult to find a place in Houston that sells them in good condition.


New Member
Oct 8, 2008
Long Beach
marks332;1912542 said:
alright guys, the supra is done. not yet out of the shop, but done. mechanically its complete. the mechanic ran into one main problem being the engine was RHD, he had to extend the harness himself. that took a while but like i said now its done and only issue is some wires arent catching so igniters and fuel pump isnt getting power so no start up yet. but this saturday should be the moment of truth. unfortunately, when it comes to the engine itself, my padre and i dont have the money to do all the neccessary things you all recommended. i know you guys might not like this but its what we had to do. But beyond that everything is new, obviously. basically everything on the 1jz/2jz swap list on this forum we got. that was our bible throughout this whole thing... this swap has taken upwards of 5 months due to the mechanic only having 2 days a week to work on it, plus waiting on parts to come in, as well as every little snag that came up on the way. so we were ready for it to me done due to being low on funds and because we are tired of waiting. but we are glad its practically finished. the mechanic knows what he's doing so that's what is keeping us excited cause we know to expect a well running car. so like i said saturday should be when we hear from him about the wire issue. if its fixed then were gunna start her up and fix any bugs that need to be fixed and we should be ready to take her home by next weekend. than after that it'll be ramen noodles and faucet water for a few months to get the wallet healthy again. you guys have been a great help.. i cant wait to hear it, ive never been more excited about anything. all 6 of these months has been pure excitment haha

just would like to say to you, do not do what everyone else wants you to do, you want the twins? keep em, but be warned they may have issues. Do what you want to the car, hell its you and your dads car, all the guys on this forum aren't driving your car, you are. Have fun and enjoy the car.The response from the twins is so hard to copy. But the two achilles heels of the 1JZ are the ECU's capacitors, and the twins. Other than that the motor is damn near bulletproof all day. Good luck and glad to hear your swap is almost done, time to let that yamaha head make that noise i am so fond of.