1jz mk3, charging/electrical issues


New Member
Oct 20, 2012
Hey all, I normally don't frequent forums withy issues, but this has me extremely frustrated.

In a nutshell, I bought this car back in Septber with the swap already done, and have done minor things since then. Replaced the battery around Christmas, and the alternator about 1.5 months ago. I'm currently having an issue with my battery not staying charged. I put in a rebuilt/used alternator, it tested good before it was put in, but I have yet to test it in the car.
Dash lights flickering, changing tones of brightness, it is not rpm dependent.
Radio, apexi avcr and apexi AFC shut off when I hit the brake, but turn right back on
Voltage dips (obviously) when I hit the brakes
Headlights and Lights flicker when I use a turn signal
Will randomly basically shut off while driving, since the key is on and the car is rolling, it starts itself back up though. Never has tried shutting off while stopped at idle though.
Dash lights while the car is off are very very dim, and my alarm remote won't function either.

Sorry for the short descriptions, I'm at work and trying to figure this out ASAP. Talked to a few people locally, but I'm not paying someone to do work I can, just need help figuring out what it is.

This weekend I cleaned all grounds, and rewired my radio which is aftermarket, cleaning the ground and rewinding the radio made my dash lights slightly better, but didn't help my issue of the car wanting to do when lights are turned on.

On my way home from work I'm going to test my alternator at Autozone whole it is on the car, the battery has tested good multiple times.

Again, sorry for the somewhat short and bland explanations, but hoping this can yield a few ideas, thanks guys.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Get a volt meter and check the voltage output of the alternator. Takes less than 30sec to test.