1990 Toyota Supra Turbo Buildup - Satans Little Helper...

What will happen when i turn the key?

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That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Yep LS400 filters are a direct fit - spin right on, tight seal :)

They're all made in Japan, instead of Thailand or China, and they're much better filters. Easier than getting my hands on a WIX one!

And yeah - i never cheap out on parts, if i need a part like that, i'll get a proper Toyota one, unless someone can prove that theres a better, more reliable, and cheaper alternative. As it is, i'd rather wait, and get the proper stuff, than cheap out and cut corners.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
All your cars just look wierd with the steering wheel on the wrong side. But not as wierd as the steering wheel on the right when driven on the right.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
So my work on this has so far been hampered by poor weather, and a distinct lack of Mojo. However, on Tuesday, when the sun came out, I thought 'enough is enough!' and went outside for a few hours, determined to swap out the water feed & return on the turbo, as the softline kit I have is just totally wrong. Simple 10 minute job, right? Noooooo!

See, on the CT26, one bolt holding down the feed/drain is easy to get at - a simple 12mm nut. The other 12mm nut? Located right where you can't get any kind of socket or spanner, requiring the removal of the whole turbo...

So turbo came off. Water feed swapped out for the original one. Bolted back up. got under the car to connect the oil drain line and....bloody line is too long, and creates a u-bend. Removed the turbo again, removed the softline adaptor and went back to the stock formed metal pipework. Put the turbo back on. Just as I finish tightening the last nut...i see i've left the one heatshield off the manifold, thats impossible to install with the turbo in place. Remove the turbo AGAIN.

*queue string of expletives and sudden urge to hit something with a large hammer*

Okay then, heatshield installed, now comes the tricky part - bolting up the oil feed banjo. It's a relatively tight space, and you have to perch the turbo on the manifold studs in such a way that any movement will get the banjo fitting out of alignment. TWO HOURS LATER and it still wasn't in! Bloody thing is like, 1mm out, I need to be able to get a second hand in there to hold the pipe in place with the other crush washer, unfortunately the turbo is then in the way. How the f*** do they install these?! Of course, at the tail end of the two hours, i'm just about to get the banjo bolt in place when *PING*....the circlip holding the wastegate to the actuator arm disintegrates, rendering my entire day utterly and totally pointless until I can source another one from the UK...

I swear, this car is testing my bloody patience!


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Kai I know how you feel bout the circlip, I took mine off because I didn't want to build any boost while on N/A electronics but a few people recommended I hook the wastegate back up... I'm having the hardest time doing it in car. That and I've seem to have lost the clip :/


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
The grease thing is fine for holding the washer on....its LOCATING THE BOLT thats the massive pain in the ass :(

It's always about 1mm out, or slightly wonky, just that little bit that even though you're at the hole, you're not bang on straight, and thus you can't thread it :/


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Right - update time! A friend of mine from the UK sent me over the wastegate circlip, so i could start putting things back together again - Toyota are damn cheeky, asking for £2 + VAT for a SMALL METAL CLIP THE SIZE OF MY SMALL FINGERNAIL. Grr. Sometimes i wonder if i shouldn't just get a kit of stuff like that, and fit a generic one...

Finally, i managed, after several hours of swearing, threatening to beat things with a hammer and telling the supra i was about THIS close so setting it on fire....i got the banjo bolt in :D


See? SEE THAT? I HATE YOU, BANJO FITTING! I really should have saved up and sprung for the ARZ Softline kit that driftmotion sells - let this be a warning - DONT CHEAP OUT!

Anyway, with that done, i could finally get moving on everything else...turbo to intercooler plumbing? Check, installed and tightened. Oil Cooler line? Check, installed and tightened as well. Turbo water lines? Check, replaced with samco ones, new clips installed. Wastegate was finally bolted back into place, vacuum piping on that side is DONE. Installed the '¬' shaped vacuum line from the fuel rail mounting point to the PCV pipework, new clips installed there, too. Bottom Rad hose swapped out for a samco one, new jubilee clips, and tightened up, rad drain plug re-installed. New Gates power steering belt, and new Dayco alternator belt installed, and i just re-installed the old A/C compressor belt, as i couldn't really be arsed to replace that, there's nothing wrong with it, and the A/C is empty anyway. I've not installed the PS reservoir - debating on whether to use the N/A one, or try and re-situate the Turbo one, in either case, its only two small hoses and their respective clips.

This is how things sit as of right now:


Once the oil gets drained off tomorrow, and re-filled with fresh stuff for the break in (it's 10w40, going to last about 30 mins before its switched out for some fresher stuff), it can *FINALLY* come of the axle stands, the rest of the turbo plumbing can go on, and the dashboard and fascia can go back in AGAIN, once i've checked all the connections twice over. The dashboard has new bulbs installed throughout, proper xenon bulbs, not LED's, of the blue-white variety, instead of the standard 'yellow' white bulbs - they all check out, so hopefully, the dash dimming will work properly.

So....verdict? Reckon it'll start, or explode on me? :D


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
So today i thought 'i'm finishing this!' and went outside to plumb the rest of the turbo intake pipes up, and the power steering fluid reservoir. For the sake of faffing around, i put the NA reservoir on, which i thoroughly cleaned yesterday. Unlike the turbo reservoir, its see through, so you can actually SEE the fluid level in the reservoir. It also means i can now get to the CPS easier. The reservoir will need a bracket. It would mount on the wing, but annoyingly, the intercooler return pipe gets in its way. So next to the airfilter it is...well, i'm going to have to ditch the stock airbox and go for a cone filter, but that's okay - both the stock airfilters and boxes i have are naff.

Once all the under-car stuff was done, it was time for it to get off the axle stands...coilovers make jacking the car up interesting, thats for sure - constantly worrying the whole car is going to tilt over on top of you. Still, once it was on the ground, for the first time since March 2009, the only issue was getting the jack out from underneath on the passenger side, as the tyre had gone flat. 5 minutes and a 12 tyre pump later, and voila, it looks like this:


Yes, it looks sun-faded...but thats okay - for the moment, it's not my primary concern.

Under the bonnet, things look like this now:


It's dry of all fluids right now, the battery is on charge. First thing in the morning, the oil is going in. I'm kind of nervous to see if the thing goes *BOOM* or fires at all. Kind of paranoid, if i'm honest, i don't want to have spent all this time, effort and money to have the thing not work :(


You are being, illogical
Jan 12, 2009
Brownslow, London
I'm betting on BHG then you torching it. The wiring has been done by a total OCD wiring guru so I doubt that's going to be a problem.