TSC Lapping 2010
Hi Everyone,
This thread is being posted to accompany the thread related to the 15th annual toronto supra club meet august 20th to 22nd. Please see the thread posted here: http://www.supramania.com/forums/showthread.php?124082-15th-Annual-Toronto-Supra-Meet-August-20-22
It will be updated shortly with a more accurate itinerary. When the directions are complete, it will also be uploaded in that thread...in addition to our usual handouts at the meet!
we'll keep this thread about lapping only!! all other things can be discussed in the other thread
In the interest of having fun, we have decided to have a lapping event at our meet this year.
Why you ask? Because going fast is fun.
Shannonville motorosports
Park Old Highway 2
Shannonville, ON K0K 3A0
Fabi Track - 2.23km

Saturday, August 20th 5:30pm-8:00pm (dusk)
We will arrive at the track for 2:30 (again, see other thread) to host the activities listed below:
The Toronto Supra club has rented the track for this time. not with another group, Just us! 12 cars will be allowed on the track at one time. basically, we can drive out brains out for 2.5hrs!
This day will consist of a breakfast meeting and cruise out to Shannonville. We''l have our show and shine there, at the track and enjoy some reasonably priced BBQ food. Our ever growing raffle will be hosted at the track as well, then we'll drive fast, legally.
Sign Me up!
********All participants must Pre-Pay************
Toronto Supra Club Member: $50
Non Supra Club Member: $80
Memberships can be purchased for $40.
As usual membership includes a T-shirt ($15 value), pays for the show and shine trophies, maintains the website and allows us to front the money for events like this!
Food can be purchased at the track, for $2 each, $1 for drinks. bring some change with you if possible.
Please Send Payments via PAYPAL ONLY to: paypal@torontosupraclub.com
In addition, send a private message to me with your Full Name.
1. Steven Trepanier..............Member + Lapping
2. Jamie Timbers..................Member + Lapping
3. Amelie Martel...................Lapping - payment received
4. Ron Cuffy........................Member + Lapping - payment received
5. Jim Fletcher.....................Member + Lapping - payment received
6. Phil Bridges
7. Shawn Sodtke
8. George Tsatalbasidis
9. Nicholas Marcoux.............Member + Lapping - payment received
10. Supra Ev
11 Brandon Bradley
I'm excited!! are you??
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