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  1. N

    New in Home Defence

    after reading further... hockey pucks and bowling balls are cool to watch but I don't know of too many people that try and break in with those "tools".
  2. N

    New in Home Defence

    that's a pretty slick deal right there.
  3. N

    New in Home Defence

    You also have to remember that I live in a different state. here in texas if they aren't armed and you shoot them, your fucked. They have to have a weapon to warrant "deadly force". Even if they broke into your house, are stealing or you feel your life is in danger. No weapon? too bad.
  4. N

    J/W Would a mk4 wing fit on a mk3?

    stock, whale tail, or nothin..
  5. N

    New in Home Defence

    so true.
  6. N

    New in Home Defence

    I know, I know. It may be law breaking, but do you want to go to jail for some ass hat breaking into your home?
  7. N

    New in Home Defence

    YOU DON"T USE THE UNREGISTERED GUN TO SHOOT!!!! Do I have to break it down Barney style? It's only there to "arm" the dead guy that tried to break in.
  8. N

    New in Home Defence

    the unregistered gun is if the guy breaking does not actually have a weapon. I should have been more clear. You shoot the guy, and kill him, only find he has no weapon. That's where the unregistered gun comes in. Give it to the dead guy.
  9. N

    New in Home Defence

    There's only one problem with that. You shoot the guy and now he has no use of his legs, then in turns and sues you. THAT right there is why you shoot too kill. Again, my father in law saw it happen many times just as I stated. He knew many a cop that carried around unregistered or stolen...
  10. N

    New in Home Defence

    What do you mean by disarm?
  11. N

    New in Home Defence

    There's no "disarming" someone that has broken into your home. By trying that you not only make it easier for the criminal to hurt you but also any loved ones there as well. Asfar as gun safes... Don't own one nor will I until I have to store a bunch of firearms. We keep our weapons loaded...
  12. N

    New in Home Defence

    I was Marine in the Infantry, and have had to do far worse than shoot some prick trying to break into my house.
  13. N

    New in Home Defence

    If ya kill the dumb bastard they can't tell their side of the story. It's your word against the dead guys.... And that's straight from my father in law who was a police chief many years.
  14. N

    New in Home Defence

    Unfortunately that isn't a Barrett. there is only one Barrett .50 that isn't magazine and fed.
  15. N


    I haven't ridden in months since crashing mine. Everytime I see some one ride I wish I was.
  16. N

    New in Home Defence

    Actually, that shotgun I posted is legal to own. they have all the info for it on there. Right of the website: The SUPER-SHORTY is based on a Mossberg Cruiser 12-gauge shotgun which came from the factory with a pistol grip. Because of this, the SUPER-SHORTY is considered an...
  17. N

    New in Home Defence

    Actually, that shotgun I posted is legal to own. they have all the info for it on there.
  18. N

    New in Home Defence

    cool gun. I'd rather have this though.....
  19. N

    Military Guys, post your Racks

    All I have is COA, NAM, OSD x2, OIF, PUC, and a few others I can't remeber. Not too bad for only 4 years.