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  1. IBoughtASupra

    Testing out Zankoku Coilovers...

    Nice. Looks a little bouncy but not to much. I saw something else as well....was it that sunny? :biglaugh:
  2. IBoughtASupra

    Version 3: 2JZ HX40 NA-T

    That a neat NA-T. Most of them I have seen look sloppy. Kudos.
  3. IBoughtASupra

    Go big or go home build!!

    You will be very happy with the 1JZ bottom end...rev happy and at 8000RPM you want to jizz in your pants.
  4. IBoughtASupra

    So You Think You Can Play The Drums? This Guy Does One Better...

    Yeap. My friend saw him and tipped him as well. It's always make me wonder if people like this hit it big, what would the music industry be know...with actual musicians instead of the idiots who make music now.
  5. IBoughtASupra

    Xzeror's Clean 86.5 Progress

    Get a set of new pressure plate bolts too.
  6. IBoughtASupra

    Xzeror's Clean 86.5 Progress

    Uh-oh. Someone gave away the hub assembly. Yes you will need it, it's what moves the pressure plate the release the clutch when the clutch pedal is pressed. You will need the hub with new snap rings and washers. Local Toyota dealer can get them or DM if you don't have a shop account from Toyota.
  7. IBoughtASupra

    Option opinions...

    Albert's 57 will be good. If you want a T4 setup, the GT35R will be more than efficient. It will light the tires on fire super quick, it is a very stop light to stop light friendly turbo. Want to spend money, GT35R, want to conserve, CT26 57. Your call.
  8. IBoughtASupra

    2jzge electric fan temp switch

    Yes, 1/8NPT 27 is standard on everything that comes with a 1/8NPT thread.
  9. IBoughtASupra

    MK2+7M+v160+5.29 final drive

    We once modified the V160 to bolt to a 7M with no adapter plate and moved the shifter to the stock R154 position. I should have some pictures of it. Wasn't easy but was darn well worth it to have an extra gear for highway cruising.
  10. IBoughtASupra

    i give up 1j running like crap need some help

    Pull the plugs and see how they look, maybe they are fouled? Also, any upgrades to your fuel system?
  11. IBoughtASupra

    R154 trans cooler set up for JZX110?

    I have never seen that, it does sound interesting. There would have to be a thermostat in the system as well.
  12. IBoughtASupra

    1JZ Build..HKS...Greddy..ACT..Chrome..You Might Like It.Dont Hate :)

    I know. It is going to be very very detailed. Kind of like a one stop shop thing.
  13. IBoughtASupra

    Anyone heard of D7E Bearings?

    That's crazy. I never seen anything like that. I know in the carribean, mechanics use beer cans to shim worn out bearings if they are not severely scoured.
  14. IBoughtASupra

    1JZ Build..HKS...Greddy..ACT..Chrome..You Might Like It.Dont Hate :)

    I will be posting a massive JZ swap guide thread as the current one needs updating.
  15. IBoughtASupra

    R154 3rd gear is grinding?

    It is not hard if you have a press, bearing pullers, snap rings pliers and a large work bench, if not, look for a reputable shop. What's the condition of the clutch, free-play and travel adjustment in spec?
  16. IBoughtASupra

    1JZ Build..HKS...Greddy..ACT..Chrome..You Might Like It.Dont Hate :)

    Here is what I have been helping my friend on. RB25 in a S14. Guess whose rail is that? :D
  17. IBoughtASupra

    how to remove steering stoppers???

    No, get spacers that DriftMotion sells.