Search results

  1. Justin

    Is this a B+M Short Throw shifter?

    Your avitar is pretty
  2. Justin

    Question for F-con users

    if you would like to sell the 89+ harness, PM me
  3. Justin

    Fuel Pressure Regulator

    sweet, I'll check that out
  4. Justin

    Fuel Pressure Regulator

    nevermind, found it anywhere to buy JUST the kit? without the actual unit, just the lines, etc.
  5. Justin

    Post pics of your gauges!

    I love my Defi Boost gauge. worth the money? haha, i dunno! :) I'll take some pictures tomorrow, I've been meaning to do so!
  6. Justin

    Fuel Pressure Regulator

    I'm trying to price out everything I need to satisfy my need for this car... I've found prices on everything but I can't find an AFPR kit.... the FPR is about 150 but what about the plug 'n play kit with all the lines I'd need? _ justin
  7. Justin

    Ebay IC: Yes-NO-why?

    yeah, i'm looking at this one, or one like it :)
  8. Justin

    car keeps dying

    hey man, just got your PM a bit ago. was there anything that you noticed happen before this started happening? Last I heard it was running excellent... anything you can think of that happened before this started? also, what codes are you pulling? have you fixed the o2 problem yet? what...
  9. Justin

    Post your ebay search string.... that way I can access it wherever I am :p
  10. Justin

    standing burnouts?

    it locks your front brakes with a push of a button
  11. Justin

    standing burnouts?

    I can't either... I can burn out down a really really long street but I can't just stand there and roast 'em.
  12. Justin

    Electrical Connectors

    Without a seconds thought the right way to go.
  13. Justin

    Does your Tranny, Clutch/FW look like this?

    so do pressure washers! Mine was just as bad as that and my pressure washer cleaned that up real quick!!!
  14. Justin

    NEW Rack & pinion Installed today

    where'd you get it and how much? :)
  15. Justin

    What the hell is this crazy thing!?

    Totally forgot about those silly california cars, my apologies. From what I've read the EGR is monitored by the ECU on cali cars... that's why you're throwing a code.
  16. Justin

    What the hell is this crazy thing!?

    I duno where the hell all this resistor talk is coming from... I am only running my FP VSV, and won't even be running that soon... I have no check engine light, or codes.
  17. Justin

    Uh Oh Oil....

    p5150 from here helped me build the engine internals, i did everything else. I am very confident we did everything right. I also broke it in correctly :)
  18. Justin

    Uh Oh Oil....

    So I was waiting for a buddy to pickup a turbo rad fan from him and noticed a little oil smell... I get out and the exhaust is white. smells like oil, looks like oil... must be oil! Wo0t. I checked the oil and it was full... so I added a little anyway. I then proceeded to go home...
  19. Justin

    Turbo Rebuild Question

    A while back when we still had the 88 I siezed the turbo going down the track.... i mean i heard a loud POP and now the thing will not spin for the life of it. Would this be a canidate for a rebuild/upgrade? I have a suspicion my turbo is leaking oil so i was going to send the spare...
  20. Justin

    Do mechanics, car audio installers, etc, like working on your car?

    I would love it if a few supras rolled by my install bay, I'd love to work on some supras, simply cuz i can do the job right and not have another electrically fucked up supra on the road :p