i feel like a retard for writing a post about this, flame me if you think i deserve it, but can anyone tell me how to do a standing burnout? i just cant do it! i feel impotent :cry: :1zhelp:
dirgle said:You use heel-toe to operate the break and gas at the same time.
Push the brake down just past the point where you’re not going to roll.
Give it the necessary gas (Romp on it!) and release the clutch.
The car will try to lurch forward so push on the break just enough to keep it from moving. Remember, the front brakes are stronger than the rear, so you need to give it just enough brake pressure to keep the car from moving, but not so much that the engine can't overcome the rears. It's a balancing act.
Once you've "LYTMUP" adjust the gas pedal to keep the tires spinning but also keep the engine from bouncing off the rev limiter. Remember you're doing this from one foot so it really is a balancing act. It takes practice to get good at it and to know where all the balance points are. Advice, find a deserted parking lot and practice a little.
thesandymancan said:wtf is brake line lock?
thesandymancan said:wtf is brake line lock?