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  1. OneJArpus

    Texting On Phone While Riding Motorcycle Click link and watch LOL! I found this extremely funny! If its a repost just let it die! lol
  2. OneJArpus

    How to Install the Titan Motorsports Harness Bar

    it bolts to where the stock seatbelt bolts too at the bottom. was your stock seatbelt on when you put dynomat on? If so you should still see it, if not start poking around and hopefully go through the dynomat then take off what you need to bolt it in.
  3. OneJArpus

    '91 Jay Blue Turbo Supra, 1JZ-GTE Swap ( L@@K )

    I like ur wheels better then any sawblade or 5spoke. Lol cant wait to see more pix
  4. OneJArpus

    Muspra project

    WOW that is nuts! You did all that for how much? lol nice work man!
  5. OneJArpus

    Best way to remove a broken key?

    lol i had a chevy that did that. ok i've done this and its worked for me. Find a thin metal toothpick looking object and go to work. I've gotten keys out like that before. Takes some time but u should get her out unless its really jammed in there.
  6. OneJArpus

    deal or no deal

    so he's a half asser? didnt finish the job why!? He knows something. I say trade + cash for your teggy cause its running. Don't do a straight trade. Make some money from it cause you'll need it to help with the supra
  7. OneJArpus

    Some Misc Pics

    nice shots man! :) Cars looking good
  8. OneJArpus

    Can you identify this exhaust?.....

    i like it, im picking one up thats the same too don't know what kind tho.
  9. OneJArpus

    Radiator for power steering cooler?

    lol ^, i purchased a trans cooler from Advance auto for both my hydro fan & p/s cooler. Mounted where the condensor use to be. I was going to put an external oil cooler too to find out i didnt need one but already purchased an RX7 cooler lol.
  10. OneJArpus

    FlyW dowl pins

    as long as the surface isn't damaged u shoudl be ok to reuse them
  11. OneJArpus

    92 Front lip on 88??

    lol that looks weird! lol
  12. OneJArpus

    stripped targa bolt

    you sure it was the previous owner and not you =X lol jK :)
  13. OneJArpus

    Time For The Single/Stinger

    wow this is sexy. i might have to get the same turbo depending on how i feel when it comes time
  14. OneJArpus

    OS Giken Clutch issue

    I have the same issue with my supra!!!! I cant get it into gear while running. I looked at the slave and i can see it moving the pressure plate. I adjusted it with freeplay as the TSRM says and it still does it and i did it with out freeplay and its the same. I have no clue what i'm doing wrong...
  15. OneJArpus

    Tell Me I'm Stupid!

    NNNIICCCEE!!! TE37's? Genuine Volks? Take to PM so we don't mess up this thread lol
  16. OneJArpus

    Twins gone.

    Your better off going single. Its going to cost about the same to rebuild two turbo's then it is to purchase one new. IIRC there is a clean single setup being sold in the F/s section for a decent price.
  17. OneJArpus

    New Parts On They're Way

    lol, don't get offended.
  18. OneJArpus

    Euro turn signals

    pre 89 and gl finding them. They sell fast and usually around 200 bux. I've been looking for a set forever and keep missing the ones that pop up. I do have a set of 89+ though. I love em!
  19. OneJArpus

    Tell Me I'm Stupid!

    Save yourself more money by doing it right the first time. Nice wheel in your avatar!^^^